definitely in love.

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"but this love i hold still holding on

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"but this love i hold
still holding on."


BIA STIRRED IN HER sleep as she began to wake. she was wrapped in the arms of paige. paige was currently scrolling on her phone being careful to not wake the girl up.

paige felt bia turn and face her direction. bias hair covered the girls face so paige moved it out of the way. paige let out a smile as she began to see the girls face.

"good morning." paige said to the sleepy girl beside her. bia was resting her head on her shoulder.

"morin." bia replied back to the blonde.

bia and paige stayed in their current position until bia decided it was time to get up. paige wanted to refuse but bia didn't allow it.

"do you have plans today or something?" paige asked the girl as bia dragged her into the kitchen forcing her up out of bed.

"we have plans today. " bia said empathizing the we . bia was going shopping today and since paige was over she decided it would be a good idea for them to go together. bia was going to go with alice but she had plans with aubrey today.


bia and paige were currently walking around the mall going into different stores. bia had basically been in every single one by now. she was just dragging around paige with her, although paige did slip away at times. bia had no clue where she would go. she'll be finding out soon..

what hadn't crossed bias mind was that it was her birthday soon and alice had told the whole team. paige was the first one shut down any parties being thrown for her. the blonde knew bia didn't like parties, so they just settled with a hang out with the team. it was simple and something bia would love.

"okay seriously where do you keep sneaking off to." bia said as she watched the blonde walk towards her. paige had disappeared again for the third time since they been there.

"no where. you'll find out soon, trust." paige said as she slipped her hand into bias.

"ugh okay, well im done here so let's go."

bia and paige left the mall but before going home they stopped to get food.


bia had stopped by paiges apartment so she could grab some clothes for the next day. the two girls spent everyday together. paige loved to be around her, even if they weren't doing anything. paige had felt like the world stopped every time she would look at bia. bia was hers. bia would always be hers. paige had felt very strong feelings for bia these past few weeks. feelings that she had never felt before.

bia also felt them as well. bia has been in past relationship with girls but none of them treated her the way paige did. none of them made her feel the way paige did. bia felt so in love with her. she felt safe with her. she never wanted to the feeling to end.

bia was putting her clothes up she had bought today in her closet while paige sat on her bed. paige stared at her the whole time. taking every feature the girl had. that's something paige felt herself doing a lot. she was always staring and admiring bia. she did it all the time before they even got together. it was like paige was stuck in a loop. she wouldn't change a thing about it either.

bia finished putting up her last shirt before changing into more comfortable clothes. she just threw on a plain black cropped t-shirt that fell off her left shoulder showing off her small tattoo she had and changed into some pj pants.

bia walked out of the bathroom and paige was no longer on her bed.

"okay you seriously have to stop disappearing like that paige." bia said walking into the kitchen.

paige was currently in the kitchen holding a box in her hand. bia walked closer to her as paige looked up at the girl.

"what's that?" bia asked the girl.

"it's for you. i was gonna wait but ill let you have it now."

paige opened up the box to a golden necklace that had a letter p on it. she got it in gold. that was something bia adored. paige knew without asking to get her gold jewelry.

"paige. it's so pretty." paige moved the girls hair out of the way and put it on. paiges fingers traced over the few tattoos the girl had. that's something paige loved about bia. her tattoos. they were small but big enough to see. her favorite one was the two butterflies she had on her shoulder.

bia turned around to face paige as the blonde kept a hold on the girl. bia smiled as she whispered a small thank you towards the girl.

paige smiled down at the girl before placing a kiss on the girls lips. small moments like this was adored by both girls.

it was safe to say these two girl were definitely in love.


guys thank you sm for 1.11k reads??
that's so insane to me honestly
but little chapter for u been
didn't go to school today so I have tons of drafts for this book and my other

with love , m <3

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