last first day back.

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                TODAY WAS THE last first day back to uconn. it was finally bias senior year all over again. bia was just thankful that alice was back so she didn't have to do this alone completely. bia paced around her room, nerves flowing all through her body. she stood at her closet for the longest time trying to piece together an outfit.

      she had finally decided on wearing a pink washed out tank top with flowers scattered on it with her favorite dark blue mini skirt. she paired the outfit with some comfortable white shirt high heels. she threw her hair up in a half up half down style.

    she put on two gold necklaces, her rings and her chunky gold hoops. she wore her necklaces that had a "p" dangling on it. the same necklace paige had gotten her for her birthday.

    bia grabbed her camera and laptop since she would be at the gym later. her made her way to the kitchen to make a protein drink and grab a protein bar.

   alice met her at the door and the girls walked out ready to get this day over with. bia was only happy because she'd get to see her girlfriend after her second class was done, she didn't like the fact that her second class was two hours long but she'd mange her way through it.

   alice and bia had the same first class together so it wasn't boring for both of them. they had their fun until they had to separate until they met at home again.

    due to it being her senior year she barley had anything to do. she had two classes of the day then working in the gym until geno called practice over.


   bias second class was over with for the day. the time stood at 12:30. she didn't have to be in the gym until one. with a few minutes to spare she went and grabbed food for herself and got alice something since she'd be meeting her in the gym.

   bia sat in her car scrolling through her phone with music softly playing in the background as she waited time out. she still had about five minutes before she had to go in. she figured sitting in her car would be easier but it was really just more boring.

    bia walked into the gym with her bag on her shoulder and holding alices food. geno had a backdrop pulled out into the middle of the gym so she could snap a few for the seniors.

   bia got to work and snapped photos of nika, paige, aubrey and aaliyah. since they were the only seniors who would be posted it didn't take long. aubrey technically wasn't a senior due to this being her 5th year but she was still included in the photos.

   geno called the girls over to start running drills and allowed bia to sit down beside alice. alice and bia sat for about an hour talking before geno gave the girls a short break.

   "hey stranger." bia turned and was face to face with her girlfriend smiling at her. paige had been talking the girls ears off about how much she had missed her girlfriend so being able to finally see her made the girls happy.

   "hey baller. you looked sharp out there." bia smiled at the girl as paige placed herself beside the brunette.

  "oh yeah?" paige smirked at the girl but bia shoved her face away playfully rolling her eyes. paiges ego was one thing bia loved about her. she was cocky but humble enough to know her place. she didn't think she was better than anyone else.

"how much longer do you have out there?" bia asked. she truly just wanted to have time with her girlfriend alone. watching movies and eating random stuff, the way they did all the time.

  "about another hour. then im all yours." paige replied. before the brunette was able to reply back geno started up practice again. knowing she only had another hour before she got to go home made her feel better.

  she loved being in the gym with the girls and being apart of their great energy and fun but sometimes all she wanted to do was curl up in her bed.

  geno had finally called practice over with that meant all the girls including bia and alice were free to go home.

  paige sent bia a text letting her know she was going to go home and grab some clothes before heading over to bia. paige going home have bia time to clean up her room from this morning.


   bia arrive home shortly after leaving the gym. she stopped at a fast food place to grab food. neither of the girls felt like cooking tonight. the first day back always made bia so tired but then again when is she not tired.

  bia arrived home and alice had beaten her home since she drove straight their after practice was over.

"ali come here i got your food." bia sat the food down on the counter after calling for alice. alice came in the kitchen like a little kid. one way to make alice happy was to buy her food.

  bia went towards her room picking up clothing items that she had thrown all over her room this morning. she lit her coconut candle alice had gotten her a few weeks ago to make her room smell better.

she sent paige a quick message letting her know she may be in the shower once she got there. she grabbed her vanilla scented body wall along with her shampoo and conditioner. that girl sure loved her vanilla scented things.

  alice had let paige in once she arrived. bia was still in the shower considering she was doing an everything shower she'd be in there for a minute.

paige allowed herself in bias room knocking lightly on the door to let the brunette know she was there. paige made herself comfortable on bias bed waiting for her.

  bia walked out dressed in some black short shirt with an cropped white long sleeve. she let her wet hair fall all the way down her back. 

  "hurry up. i missed you." paige yelled as the brunette walked out of her room toward the kitchen. bia grabbed their food and grabbed drinks out of the fridge before returning back to her room.

  paige was sprawled out on bias bed waiting for the girl to return. bia placed herself on her bed shoving paige slightly to the side. paige turned on criminal minds as the girls fell into complete comfort.

  paige scooted closer to bia and allowed the brunette to lay her head on the blondes shoulder. even though school had started back up, paige and bia were still the same.


HEYYYY updateee
im majorly sunburnt all over my body so be expecting a lot of updates cause i can only lay in bed and take medicine so im stuck
anyways hope you enjoy

love , m <3

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