fell harder.

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"birds of a feather we should stick together

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"birds of a feather
we should stick together."


BIA AND ALICE WERE currently walking around the grocery store placing food into the cart. alice was reading off the small list they made while bia threw everything in the cart. the girls were close to being done with school for the summer and honestly bia was ready for the summer. the was a summer person. she wanted to go back home to florida for a little before she had to be back, but of course that meant leaving paige for two months, that's the only part she didn't like about it.

"alright, is this everything?" bia asked alice as she checked things off the list.

"yep. let's go."

bia payed for the stuff and alice loaded all of it in the car and the two girls headed back to their apartment.


bia walked into her apartment with Alice strolling behind her with bags in her hand. when bia opened her door she was met with paige,ice,nika,kk and ines sitting on her couch.

"well hello to you all." bia said playing as she sat her bags down on the counter and helped alice place her bags down.

"hey girlie pop." kk said rushing up to hug bia. bia smiled as she wrapped her arms around kk and accepted her hug.

"girl boo, I've done stole your girlfriend." kk turned to say to paige with a playful smirk.

bia laughed at the comment but more so laughed at pagies facial expression.

paige got up from the coach she was sitting on and removed bia from kk and wrapped her arms around bia.

"yeah, no you didn't k. but nice try." paige said taking bia's hand and bragging her towards bias room.

bia flopped down on her bed quickly getting comfortable at the touch of her bed. paige joined her on the bed getting comfortable beside the brunette.

bia definitely could take a nap right now but didn't feel like washing her makeup off or changing out of her clothes, she was tired.

"b? you okay?" paige asked the brunette as she noticed the girl being a lot more quiet than usual.

"yeah, just tired but also too lazy to change or take makeup off." bia replied reassuring the girl so she didn't have to worry.

paige got up out of the bed and walked into the bathroom and brought back makeup wipes with her. bia gave the blonde a small smile but she felt a wipe being placed on her eyes to get the eyeliner and mascara off. paige made sure she got all the makeup off before putting on some moisturizer on bias face.

bia thanked paige as she got up to find some more comfortable clothes to change into so she could take a nap. she just threw on a cropped tank top with some white pj shorts. bia happily took her previous place on her bed under the covers and she leaned onto paiges shoulder as she scrolled through movies to watch.

she decided on her favorite 10 things i hate about you the amount of times bia watched this you would think she got tired of it but she never did. bia could watch the movie over and over and still love it.

there was a light knock on the door and bia yelled a quick come in. alice appeared in the door smiling.

"me and the girls were going out then crashing at nikas. wanted to know if yall wanted to come?"

bia didn't waste time with answering no. she loved alice and the girls but right now all she wanted to do was sleep with her bed with her amazing girlfriend. paige also answered no but sharing a thank you within the sentence.

bia was quick to return her gaze back on the screen but also looking at paige every now and then. paige caught onto the staring but never said anything. until bia got caught.

"what?" paige asked the brunette that was laying on her shoulder.

"nothing. just staring at you, am i not allowed to stare at my girlfriend?" bia asked flashing the girl a smile.

paige laughed and shoved the girls face away. paige might have fell first but bia had definitely fallen harder.

there was nothing that could ruin the love these two girls shared. their love was so pure. it was something they never wanted to let go of.

this summer there love was only going to grow. bia could feel it. they may be apart for a minute but their connection was strong. all bia and paige wanted to do was enjoy the last few days before they separate for the summer well planned to separate and before paige graduated.


been slacking with the writing but im back
on summer break and im officially an senior #classof2025 yay
and birthday is next monday so big month for me
but anyways finally got this chapter out
working on my new book chapter
also insane this book had 1.93k reads??
thank you so much I love u

love , m <3

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