beach night.

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                BIA MADE HER way through her apartment. room to room as she cleaned things up. she was listening to brent faiyaz in the background mixed in with frank ocean. the love she had for the two artist could be shown throughout her apartment. bia made plans with paige earlier that day so she went around cleaning up knowing her nor alice would be there for the weekend. alice was on a short vacation leaving bia alone for two weeks.

            bia made what she called a surprise date for paige. her and the blonde haven't really had time togther since they got back. yes bia was in the gym 24/7 with the girls but she never really had time to talk to them or hang out with them outside of the court. bia wanted to treat paige to a  clam and sweet afternoon at the beach leading into a weekend. bia waited for the blonde to be ready so she could make her way over to the apartment.

          bia wore a light green plaided mini dress paired with comfortable white heels. she paired the outfit with her classic gold jewelry. as pink + white by frank ocean came to an end she received at message from the blonde saying she was ready.


         the time stood at 6:23 pm. bia made sure she planed the day out to were she and paige could enjoy the beach during the sunset. bia listened to more frank ocean as she drove towards her girlfriend's apartment.

   bia shot paige a quick message to let the blonde know she was there. bia watched as paige made her way towards the car. paige wore a purple tube top with a white cover over and paired the purple top with sweatpants. bia liked how easily paige dressed. she could wear the most simple thing but make it look good.

    "hello to my beautiful girlfriend." paige hopped into the car with the biggest smile on her face. she had a few rough practices so seeing bia made it better. the blondes mood was easily lifted once bia gave her a smile.

  "hi to you too. you look pretty." paige felt herself smile as the brunette sitting in the drivers seat complimented her. bia handed the aux cord over to paige allowing the blonde to play her music.

   as bia drove paige caught herself staring multiple times. paige saw bia mostly everyday but she would still continue to be star stuck every time she looked at her. she was beautiful. in bias eyes, paige was the most beautiful person she ever put eyes on. she had been so great full to have her in her life.

   the more bia drove, the closer she got to the beach. mostly all the cars were gone leaving a part of the beach to themselves. paige smiled looking out the passenger side window knowing the view so well.  as more time went by bia finally came to end of her drive arriving at the beach. bia grabbed everything she had packed in the back seat. the back seat consisted of blankets and snacks.

     paige ran off towards the water bia following behind her. the brunette laid everything out on the sand before running towards the water toward her girlfriend. bia interlocked their fingers together as they walked down the beach. bia stared up at the moon and stars but as bia stared at the sky, paige stared at her.

  "race you back to the blanket." bia said snapping the blonde out of her trance. before paige was able to respond bia took off running getting ahead of the girl. bia took off her shoes to help her run better. the brunette reached the blanket out of breath, she looked back but didn't see the blonde.

  bia felt her body being collided with another as paige ran up behind her. bia threw her head back as she kicked her feet so the blonde would set her down. all you could hear from miles away were the two girls laughing. the blonde sat bia down but keeping her arms wrapped around her.

"i love you. like so much." paige said turning the brunette around to face her. bia felt herself falling in love all over again. moments like this brought bia back to day she became paiges girlfriend.

"i love you. so much more." bia said smiling up at the girl. the blonde smiled as she placed her hands on each side of her girlfriends face and placed her kiss on her lips.

    bia and paige sat down on the blanket enjoying the time they spent together. bia laid with her head on paiges shoulder while the blonde had her hands wrapped around the girls waist.

"thank you for today." paige spoke quietly into the girls ear. bia knew how much paige had been stressed and how much hard work she had put in. paige deserved a day like this. bia whispered a short your welcome into paige.

"you'll get what you deserve back at my apartment. azzis gone." paige whispered into bias ears. bia turned around towards paige with a dropped jaw. she was use to this behavior from paige but her being so bold with it stuck out tonight.

  "well then let's go." bia said standing up. paige laughed at how sudden bia wanted to leave after the blondes comment. paige helped the brunette pack up and get settled into her car. on the way back towards the blondes apartment paige played her music quietly in the background.

  tonight would stick with paige. being treated this way felt so good. having someone to care for her the way bia did, felt good. the blonde could only care for bia ten times more.


helloooo this chapter was low key cute i loved it
didn't feel like writing what went on at the apartment... (literally I will if someone wants it) but hope you like it!!!
also wanted to say thank you for almost 5k reads!!
i love u all

love, m <3


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