"what would happen to them?"

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"I SWEAR HES THE FITH GUY TO CHECK YOU OUT." paige and bia walked along side the sidewalk roaming around the streets of connecticut.

it was a friday night and everyone was doing their own thing. bia and paige shared a little night together before heading back to the brunette's apartment.

"seems like someone's jealous." bia shoved into the blondes side teasing her a little. the blonde allowed herself to scoff and throw her arms around the brunette's shoulders pulling her closer.

"nope. im the one going home with you not them." paige stated. bia stared up at the blonde with a raised eyebrow.

the blonde and brunette made their way back to the blondes car. although they had a fun night, they were both ready to go home.

both girls jumped in the car, bia on aux and paige behind the wheel. the same way they always did.

bia stared out the window letting the breeze go across her face. the slightly cold weather brought her comfort. tonight brought her comfort. being with paige brought her comfort.

"whatcha thinking about?" paige noticed the girl in a deep thought as she stared out the window. the blonde reached her free hand over and placed it on the brunettes knee.

"nothing." bia felt like she was convincing herself she wasn't thinking about anything. the blonde could tell she was lying, but she didn't want to pressure her into talking about something she didn't want to.

the blonde decided against talking and just let the brunette enjoy the lightly played music in the background as she looked out the window.


bia used her key to unlock the door of her apartment allowing the two girls to enter the place. alice was gone once again but this time her and aubrey were together.

the time was currently 7:23 pm. both girls were tired but not tired enough to fall asleep. bia placed herself on the couch as she let her head rest on the back.

paige sat beside her lifting the brunettes legs up to set them across her own. the two fell off into a comfortable silence as the tv played in the back ground.

they both enjoyed that they could be in complete silence with each other. they didn't always have to talk.

bias actions from earlier lingered in paiges mind. she was use to the brunette always talking, or just when making smart comments. the blonde didn't need help figuring out what was wrong. she knew the brunette was worried about what would happen with them once they both graduated this year.

"i love you." paige laid her head into the brunettes shoulder. bia raised her hand to play with the blondes loose curls she had.

"i love you." bia spoke back being in a better mood. she knew she was getting in her head too much earlier. she had serval months with paige left beside her.

   the last few months they had together, the two would make sure they did it right. they both didn't know their plans for after school. the blonde thought about coming back for a 5th year. the brunette on the other hand, had no idea what she wanted to do.

   one thing was for certain though, bia wanted to be around paige. whatever she did, she wanted to be there. she would do whatever was best for her future after college.
   bia tried so hard to fall asleep but she couldn't. she couldn't help but have the same question pop into her head every 5 minutes.

   "what would happen to them?" the same question popped into her head over and over again. she wanted it to shut up. she looked to her side and saw the blonde sleeping beside her. the brunette decided on getting a drink and getting fresh air.

   she just wanted a clear mind. she knew she was overthinking again. no matter what happens with them, it'll always be them. in a loving way or even a platonic way. but bia couldn't lie , the thought of them ending as just friends, hurt. she could never picture paige being anything but her girlfriend.

   bia let out a sigh as she stepped onto her small porch her apartment had. she leaned against the railing just listening to the sounds of cars go by.

  "are you okay bia?" bia turned around to see the blonde standing with a concerned look on her face.

  "yeah, couldn't sleep." bia felt bad for not being able to talk about it. the blonde could tell right through her lies.

  "no you're not. talk to me please." paige placed her hands on top of bias as she looked into her eyes trying to read her.

  "im just overthinking right now. it's our last year together here, and im getting into my head a little and im afraid of what  happens to me and you once we graduate." bia let out a sigh admitting to what she had been keeping in her head all day.

   paige couldn't help but get upset at the way bia was feeling. the same question had popped into the blondes head but paige knew the answer; no matter what happens, they will always have each other.

  "bia. nothing is going to happen. once we graduate we'll still be with each other and you can count on that. i love you no matter what. if we go in different directions, we'll find our way back to each other. i already know what im doing after I graduate, im taking a 5th year at uconn. you'll always know where i am. If we are meant to be together, the universe wouldn't split it up. "

paige rambled on about the future for them too. bia smiled to herself seeing paige so focused on keeping them together, she found comfort of knowing she was coming back to uconn. as paige said she would always know where to find her.

  "there's your smile that i adore." paige pulled the brunette up with her hands directing her towards her room. bia slipped under the covers feeling better now that she had gotten to spill what's been on her mind.

   paige pulled the brunette closer to her allowing herself to wrap her arms around the girl. paige played with her hair until she was for sure the girl was asleep. paige let herself fall into a comfortable sleep knowing bia was set free of the overthinking she had been doing all day.

  as the two fell asleep, bia held onto the blonde tightly. paige copied the same action and held her tight. both of them slept peacefully holding each other tightly.


m time ;)

hiii this one's kinda sad tbh im sorry
been to the fair everyday this week so now im double broke ☝️
but hope you enjoy!!
sadly not a lot left of the book:((
I don't plan to write over 37.. maybe who knows
i have another paige story ready to come out but it won't be out until this one is finished


love , m <3

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