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TODAY WAS THE FINAL DAY. bias last day of college forever. she didn't know what to feel. though she never was a fan of school she grew to like uconn. she grew to like the people.

the day was finally here. her graduation day. she had an hour before she had to be at uconn campus. bia was currently finishing up her hair. considering she had to wear a graduation cap, she didn't do too much. she just put her hair into loose curls.

bia looked at herself in mirror. she was so happy of the girl she had became and the atomsphere she put herself in. she fixed her hair into the way she wanted, afterwards she walked to the living room to sit on the couch.

after scrolling on her phone for the longest it reached time. as much as she wanted to hate it, she secretly loved it. she loved that she made it this far.

grabbing her cap and gown she headed towards her car. she plugged her phone into the aux shuffling through her playlist until she landed on a song she wanted. she started her car and drove to uconn campus for the last time.


"i can't believe after today we're done." azzi said from beside bia. the four girls stood in line, one behind the other. bia, azzi,paige and aaliyah wait impatiently for their names to get called.

bia was happy she got to see aaliyah today before she had to go back. nika wasn't able to make it to the graduation today. bia stood in front of aaliyah cheering for the names who continued to be called out.

"azzi fudd." the man standing on the podium called out. bia,paige and aaliyah cheered as loud as they could. azzi gave the camera a small wave with a smile. she was adorable.

"paige bueckers." paiges name was called out. bia screamed the loudest she could. paige smiled too herself picking out the girls scream. as she was walking the blonde broke into a dance.

"i knew she was gonna do something stupid." bia said leaning back so aaliyah could hear. aaliyah laughed behind the brunette.

"beatrice white." and just like that bias name was called. she walked straight copying the same girl everyone had done.

she gave the camera a smile as she walked but slipped a wink in. she took her place standing beside paige and azzi while they waited for aaliyah.

"aaliyah edwards." aaliyah had done the same thing paige did and broke into a dance mid walk. bia let herself chuckle at the girl.

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