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"I wanna be yours

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"I wanna be yours."


BIA STOOD IN FRONT of her closet groaning. she didn't know what to wear. she had received a message from azzi asking her to come over for a group hangout. of course she said yes, but not without asking if alice could come. after pacing back and forth bia found a short black dress and paired it with some red short heels. bia lightly curled her hair and put a little makeup on before she grabbed alice and the two girls made there way towards azzis place.

since azzi didn't live in an dorm, bia actually had to drive out to her apartment. bia loved to drive, especially when it was night. azzi lived about 10 minutes away so it gave bia and alice time to listen to music and get in a good mood.


the two girls made there way up the steps towards azzis door. bia lightly knocked on it before she heard a few voices yell. bia walked in with alice following behind her. everyone welcomed bia and alice in with a warm smile and they all shared a few heys here and there. bia was looking for a certain someone who wasn't around. azzi noticed the girl looking around.

"she's in her room." bia was startled by a whisper that belonged to azzi. bia gave her a look and then quietly thanked her before she slipped away from the group to find a certain blonde. bia walked up to the blondes door before lightly knocking before entering. paige looked up from her phone and saw a smiling bia. paige gave bia a smile before motioning her towards her bed. paige was listening to quiet music and had a few books sat out of her table.

"too cool for the party?" bia said lightly poking paiges arm.

"yeah, something like that." paige said playing into bias joke with a smirk. bia internally groaned at the girls smirk. bia sat down on paiges bed after rolling her eyes in a playful manner at paiges response.

the two girls sat in a comfortable silence. bias legs stretched out across paiges bed, paige lifted bias legs and put them on top of her own legs. bia smiled lightly at the girls action. the small things paige did made the girls heart flutter. they were so small but yet so big. paiges hand rested on bias upper thigh and her other hand was holding her phone. bia scooted closer to paige and rested her head on the blondes shoulder. this was a feeling both of the girls could get use to. 

"i wanna be yours" by artic monkeys had came on in the background. ironic. it was a perfect song to fit this moment. bia could feel the blondes eyes on her. bia wanted to look at her, but she knew she'd lose the eye contact as soon as they made it. she couldn't hold it with paige.

you call the shots babe. i just wanna be yours.

paige rubbed bias hand with her thumb as they sat in silence just taking in the music and enjoying each others company.  bia finally worked herself up to make eye contact with paige. as soon as she looked up, she was met with blue eyes. the same blue eyes that made her nervous every time she looked into them. 

paige smiled at the girl before lifting bia up the best she could, her lips met bias lips. another kiss the girls shared. it seemed as though, paige needed it. or should i say, wanted it. paige was quick to deepen the kiss between the two. bia was lifted into a more comfortable position. paige had switched their positions to where bia was against the pillows and paige was on the opposite side. the two girls lifted up for air shortly. bia smiled after she took a breath for herself. paige noticed the girls smile and smirked a little. paige took bias hands back in hers and looked into her eyes.

"let me take you on a date." paige said.

"deal." paige laughed at the girls quick answer before returning to bias side and allowed bia to rest her head on her shoulder. paige didn't care if any of the girls walked in. they weren't dating but hopefully will be soon.

the girls stayed in paiges bed for a few more hours before alice texted her saying she was ready to go.

"no, don't go. please." paige gave the girl puppy eyes in a way to make the girl stay. bia looked at the blonde with loving eyes.

"sorry.. alice wants to go home." bia wanted to stay. she definitely wouldn't refuse it.

"hang on." the blonde quickly walked out of her room and into the living room. the blonde grabbed onto azzi and pulled her to the side. the girls shared a few whispers before azzi nodded her head into an agreement. the blonde practically ran back to her room to bia.

"your staying! aubery and azzi are taking her home." paige jumped onto her bed in excitement about the girl's ability to stay over again. bia smiled and got back on the blondes bed.

"okay but i will need a change of clothes because this is uncomfortable." paige got up from her bed and went to her closet before tossing the brunette and long shirt. bia changed into the shirt and already felt more comfortable. paige walked over to bia and grabbed her hand and the two made their way to the bathroom. bia sat on the counter while paige grabbed makeup wipes. paige stood between the girls legs and lightly went over her face with the wipe getting all of the brunettes makeup off. paige threw the first wipe away. bia stayed on the counter for a moment when she went to get down paige stopped her by standing between her legs again.

"you're so pretty bia." bia coild practically melt. getting compliments from paige made her feel different. bia grabbed the blondes face and kissed her gently. paige smiled into the kiss.

"you're so beautiful." bia stated towards paige. paige smiled even more than she was. bia lifted herself off the counter as paige drug them back into her room. bia got herself comfortable in the bed and for once so did paige. paige turned off her light and picked a random movie that neither girls cared to watch. paige so easily, wrapped her arms around bias waist and bia let herself be closer with the blonde. bia smiled to herself as she drifted off into sleep. the blonde also smiled just enjoying everything that had happened tonight. tonight was something she'd love doing forever.


i personally love this chapter.. hope you do too!!
love , m <3

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