need you baby.

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BIA ENTERED HER ROOM TANGLED IN PAIGES ARM. the two picking up the same previous position they had on the couch. neither of them had time to acknowledge the red led lights bia had on from yesterday and the music that was still playing from earlier.

  the perfect setting for this moment. bia was slowly pushed down on her bed by the blonde who was standing over top of her.

  bias back hit the familiar mattress she knew oh to well. paige leaving kiss after kiss. on her lips, neck, collarbone. leaving one everywhere she knew the brunette liked.

  "paige, please." the blonde smirked at this brunette girl pleading beneath her. having the girl pleading for her with such submissive eyes was something she could get use to.

"what do you want baby?" pair ran her hands down the brunettes body stopping right above her her belt she was wearing.

"you. i just need you paige." bia huffed out. she didn't care about any of the teasing. she just wanted to feel her.

"can i?" paige motioned to the belt the brunette was still wearing. the brunette shook her head eagerly. the blonde undid bias belt throwing it to the side.

paige went down leaving kisses between her thighs. bia couldn't handle it anymore. she just needed her. in so many ways.

bia grabbed the back of the blondes head bringing her face up to her own. she slammed her lips against the blondes. paige slipped her tongue in the brunettes mouth, allowing their tongues to fight.

paige pulled away bringing her face back to the brunettes thigh. she wasted no time with her tongue.

"fuck." bia moaned out. the sounds of the brunettes moans made the blonde work faster. if she got to hear those sounds everytime, she would never stop.

"paige. fuck, keep going." the brunette grabbed a fist full of the blonde hair using it to grip on to. paige came back up to the brunettes face.

she left marks on the brunettes neck. she needed to make sure people saw them. paige let two of her finger wonder the folds body as they reach above a spot bia was earning for them to be.

"tell me how bad you want it." paige looked into the girls eyes. lust taking over.

"bad. so fucking bad." bia sighed out. just as she was about to lift her head up paige slipped her two fingers in. letting the feeling of them take over bias needs.

the sounds of the brunettes moans let the girl work faster. nothing could ever be a better feeling than this. bia felt herself getting close. paige could tell the brunette was about to be sent over the edge, but the blonde wanted to try something knew, something she knew she needed to happen.

  "sit on my face bia." paige pulled away from bias lips, looking in eyes.

  "what?" bias jaw was left open.

"you heard me. sit on my face." paige pulled the brunette up as she laid down on the bed this time. bia placed herself right on top. the bridge of the blondes nose hitting her right on her clit.

paige let her tongue enter once again. going above and beyond. letting her tongue take over.

  "holy fuck." bia moaned out grabbed the bed sheets that had already been pulled off. the sounds coming from the brunette once again made the blonde work fast and only made bia louder.

   bia felt herself getting closer and closer as the time passed by. with paiges last move with her tongue, set it off. bia let herself free. the feeling coming from the brunette had the blonde in a chokehold.

  bia flopped down on her bed pulling the sheet over her exposed body. the blonde fell beside her, wrapped her arm around the brunette.

  "how did your makeup manage to stay on?thats crazy." the blonde examined the brunettes face seeing her makeup perfectly placed on her face.

  "no clue but im definitely getting a noise complaint after tonight." bia chuckled turning over the blonde.

  "they may not like the noise but i certainly do."


    bia got out of the shower once again. her legs feelings tired as she stood in front of the mirror. she did her skincare and threw her hair products in.

  she put on some black silk shorts and an oversized t-shirt that belonged to paige. she put her hair into braids letting it fall behind her back.

  she stepped into the kitchen where paige was hovering over the stove. bia wrapped her arms around the blonde waist. she stood on her tippy toes in spite of her being 5'3 and paige being 6'0. she placed another kiss onto the girls lips but this time it was sweet.

  the stove beeped letting them know the food was done. while the brunette was in the shower, paige took it upon herself to fix the two of them food.

  paige fixed both of them a bowl of spaghetti with a side of garlic bread. she grabbed two dr.peppers from the fridge and joined the brunette on the couch.

  the two girls sat and ate on the couch. the silence took both of them over. the two finished eating and made there way back to the brunettes bedroom.

  bia placed her clean sheets and covers on the bed. she scrolled through tv apps once again finding something to watch. she landed on finishing the rookie.

   paige joined bia in the bed, laying her head down on the brunettes shoulder. both girls were asleep within minutes of turning out the lights.

  the night started with sweet nothings and ended with such a good feeling for both the girls.


m time ;)

as requested the smut I think it's better than last time idk hopefully I'll get better at it
anyways hopefully two updates tonight (cross fingers)

love , m <3

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