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      BIA TURNED OVER in her bed. head pounding. she felt like she had been hit by a bus. she didn't need any help figuring out what was wrong. she was sick. too sick to even text geno and tell him she couldn't make it today. she struggled into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and take medicine. today was a day she wanted to be alone. sick and gross.

messages !

paige <3 🩷
where are you?
are you okay?

bia 🩷🩷
dying as we speak
sick to my stomach
can't get out of bed

paige <3 🩷
I'll come see u after practice

bia 🩷🩷
i feel and look gross
don't do that to me

paige <3 🩷
too bad i am
now get some rest

bia 🩷🩷
yes ma'am
read at 1:44 pm


       bia could practically feel how gross she looked. she hardly ever got sick, when she got sick it was bad. she was always good at taking care of herself when she was sick. but this time however, she couldn't even get out of bed.

  bia was knocked out of her trance as she heard her door being opened. she was met with the eyes of paige, azzi, nika and ines. they all carried something different in their hand. mostly held of medicine, ice cream and soup.

  bia threw herself underneath her cover as the reality of them seeing her as her worst hit her. nika pulled the cover off of bia smiling at the girls action. even in her worst state she made the girls smile.

   "here. this should help you feel better." azzi handed bia the soup she carried in her hand. azzi was one to take care of people once they got sick. paige stood back and waited for all the girls to leave.

  "ugh i feel so gross. this is not okay." bia said as she repeated her actions from earlier. paige snickered at the girl before getting beside of her.

"here take of this. it'll help you sleep and hopefully feel better." paige handed the niquill over to bia. bias face scrunched up at the taste of the liquid hitting her throat.
  quickly after taking the medicine bia settled herself into bed and hoped she'd be better by tomorrow.


     bia let the hot water hit her skin. she woke up feeling much better than she felt yesterday. she had been in she shower for about an hour. one thing was, when bia was sick you'd best believe she'd be taking a long shower the next day.
  paige had left the girls apartment before she had to be there for practice. bia texted the girl she woke up to let her know she was feeling much better and could manage to make it to their practice today.

  bia took her time in the shower using her time good before she had to be ready and stable enough for genos practice. bia and picked out an lazy outfit today in her opinion. she wore a off the shoulder crop top with a pair of black sweat pants that happened to belong to paige. she done her hair in simple braids before grabbing her camera and laptop heading for the gym.

  "you feeling better today?" geno asked the girl as she walked through the doors of the gym. all the girls smiled knowing bia returned feeling better.

"yeah, feeling much better." bia gave geno a warm smile before walking away towards her seat.  geno was running a pretty easy practice today. they were mostly running and doing drills. all the girls seemed to be exhausted though.
  bia snapped only a couple photos and clicked through them on her laptop editing them. bia took her time on each photo before sending them over to the media team so they could post them.

bia reached down to her bag to grab her water bottle but she was stopped by a voice. her favorite voice to hear.

  "happy you're feeling better." paige said smiling down at her returning girlfriend. paige was exhausted. all these practices everyday ran her in the ground. but it was for a sport she loved so she didn't complain much. bia smiled up at the girl since she was sitting down in a chair. bia found herself looking up to paige almost every time. even though paige had been her girlfriend for a while now, every time paige looked down at her bia felt small. but she loved it.

"me too. i hate being sick." bia took a sip of her water before setting the bottle down on the table next to her. paige took a seat next to bia staring out onto the court. she laid her head onto bias shoulder. paige couldn't wait until geno announced they were done with practice today. it was killing paige. she was tired.


   paige and bia entered the blondes apartment. now it was bia who followed paige like a lost puppy. bia could tell how tired paige was. all the girls followed in behind the two shortly after. azzi had invited everyone over for a hangout since most of the girls didn't want to go out due to being so tired. they all wanted a movie night and to just be around each other.

  each girl scrolled through food apps trying to figure out what they wanted to eat. everyone had something different in mind. no one felt like cooking so ordering fast food was their best option and really it was their only option. bia argued against practically anything the girls suggested. she was really feeling pasta.

   bia somehow convinced everyone to get italian food, mostly because she wanted pasta. all the girls were on the couch or either the floor watching old disney movies. nika suggested they watch lemonade mouth bia loved the movie. she knew it by heart. all the girls patiently waited for the food to get there. mostly everyone was impatient.

  everyone's head snapped towards the door once a knock was placed. nika shot up from the couch and made her way over to the door. everyone smiled as their food was placed in front of them.

everyone got comfortable in their spot. nika, kk, bia, and paige sat on the couch. bia sat against paige while her legs were over nikas. aubrey, alice, ice and ines sat on the floor comfortably. nika was in control over the remote so no one could complain about what movie was playing.

all the girls got tired at different times. ines and aubrey were the first to pass out on the floor. surprisingly bia and paige were the last the make their way towards the blondes room so they could fall asleep. before making their way to the room, paige picked ines up and placed her on the couch so she could sleep comfortably. 

  bia has spare clothes over at paiges. she changed into her clothes and got comfortable in the blondes bed.

  both girls fell asleep in the same position they've fallen asleep in many times before. they were comfortable as they always are.


hiii gladly updated
hope you enjoy:)
my cat milo is currently sleeping on my chest so writing this was a stress..

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