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          THE RIDE BACK to paiges apartment was quiet. Godspeed by frank ocean played quietly in the background. bia knew what to expect when they got back to the blonde's apartment. she could tell by tonight's vibe it would be different than the other times.

          paiges hand was placed on bias thigh as the brunette drove. the two girls had two minutes left of the drive before they arrived. tonight was sweet and it was about to get even sweeter.

bia put her car in park as they reached the parking lot of the blondes apartment. paige placed her hand on the lower half of bias back as the brunette walked in front of her. the blonde unlocked the door of her apartment and the two walked in.

hand in hand the girls walked towards the blondes room. paiges words from earlier made bia eager each step closer she took towards the room. the sound of silence took over the girls letting them enjoy their time.

once the two girls entered the room, no time was wasted between the two. paige placed her hands underneath the brunettes shirt, allowing her hands to roam around. bia wasted no time in connecting their lips. this kiss was different than the others. it was slow and passionate.

their bodies stood close together. paige backed the brunette into the wall. as each kiss they shared, it became heated by the second. both of the blondes and brunettes tongues fought for dominance. bia let the blonde win for the sake of it.

bia jumped into paiges arm once she heard the blonde whisper the words into her ear. both of them pulled away with plump pink lips. bia was placed on the bed underneath the blonde as her kissing began to get rougher.

     bia sat up on the bed leaning her head on the wall giving paige access to pull her dress down. bia did the same action with paige but pulling the blondes shirt over her head. both bia and paige took the time to admire each other. the smell of the blondes lavender candle over powered the room.

      the sounds of the brunettes moans traveled throughout the room as paige worked her fingers. this feeling was not usual for the brunette. no one ever made her feel like this.

        the blonde worked her tongue around bias clit. the brunette was being sent over the edge minute by minute. paige came back up and placed a kiss on the brunette's collar bone.

    now with the roles reversed, bia has dominance over the blonde. bia completed the same actions as the blondd did. she used her fingers, tongue, and anything and could.bia placed a sweet passionate kiss on the blonde.

    as the moans died down and their highs began to calm down, silence took over the room. both girls laid on the bed. hand in hand, cuddled up.

   "where are you going?" the blonde got up from her bed and placed a big t-shirt over her body.

"starting a bath for you." bias common smile appeared on her face. the brunette never received this care after sex. bia made sure the blonde would get the same treatment she gave her.


           bia was awoke to sunlight hitting her eyes. as the girl pried her eyes open, she was met with a smiling face. memories of last night filled the brunettes mind.

     bia got up out of the blondes bed and made her way towards the kitchen. all the girls sat in the living room. nika headed towards the brunette as soon as she came in eye view. nika immediately pulled the brunette into a hug.

   "i've missed you girl, i never see you anymore." nika said letting go of the brunette.

  "we should hang out again sometime. im in desperate need of a hangout with you." bia said offering a smile.

    bia felt arms wrap around her waist. she could tell who it was. the familiar hands rubbed circles on her hips as the girl talked with nika. bia pulled out of the grip paige had on her to grab a drink and reunite with her friends on the couch.

    each girl sat paired up on the couch. starting up their own conversations while having a random show playing in the background.


          the time currently stood at 8:35. all the other girls have went home besides bia.  bia and paige sat in the blondes room listening to quite music as they did last minute school work.

   "watcha working on?" paige jumped onto the side bia was currently placed. paige laid her head on top of the brunettes as she continued to write.

  "working on an essay for my writing class." the brunette laid her head back onto the blondes. bia let out a happy sigh as she came to the end of her essay. being able to turn in it on time instead of late.

     "finally done?" bia shook her head yes at the blondes words and pushed her computer to the end of the bed.

     bia and paige laid on the bed watching a show they put on. both the girls felt their eyes get heavy.

   both girls fell off into a comfortable sleep tangled within each other.


I apologize for this whole chapter because what??
the smut?? lowkey did NOT eat ( give me ur opinion on it pls) i didn't want to go in detail like some others do
but if I write smut for this book again it'll be better than this one i promise
i rewrote this chapter so many times i cant

love, m <3

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