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"you put your hands around my waist

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"you put your hands around my waist."


biareece posted on instagram!


liked by: alicejordan, paigebuecker and 3,456 others

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liked by: alicejordan, paigebuecker and 3,456 others


@alicejordan : you're so perfect

@paigebueckers: see u learned how to post
reply: oh hush it

@kkarnold: girl boo ur so pretty

@nikamulh: hottie


FRIDAY NIGHT rolled around and for once bia didn't have anything to do. she spent the week editing photos she took and shoving them into a file on her laptop. bia didn't have any plans with the girls or alice. alice was staying with aubrey for the weekend so that left the girl all alone. bia was currently playing her playlist on shuffle and cleaning around her dorm. bia moved into her room decorating it full of pink, pictures and candles. bia loved pink. and candles. but mostly pink. as bia moved around her room adding stuffed animals on her bed when she heard a knock. she wasn't expecting anyone tonight but she wasn't complaining. bia loved her peace but she wanted company at times and this was one of those times. bia walked to the door and unlocked it and came face to face with a familiar blonde.


"bia, hey! alice told me you were alone tonight so I'd figure I'd come over and offer some company." the blonde explained with a warm smile.

"that's sweet of you, come in."

bia led paige into her dorm and walked into her bedroom.

"I was cleaning so ignore any mess you see." bia said to the girl as the blonde looked around the room. paige was taking in every ounce of her room. she loved the way she made everything match. she loved the smell of vanilla taking over her room. she loved the pictures haning on the wall full of winter, summer, fall and spring. they all had different writing on them. the one that stuck out most was from her 20th birthday. she looked beautiful. her attention then got pulled to another photo, the girl was pictured with another blonde girl.

"who's this?" paige asked as she pointed to the photo.

"oh that's my step sister , maddy. she lives all the way in California." bia said as she walked over to the photo.

"you have step siblings?"

"just maddy!" bia said. bia loved to talk about her step family. she adored them. although she hardly got to see them, anytime she did she loved every minute of it.

the two girls talked about bias photos and just her whole room in general. bia loved paiges company. they became close so fast.


"oh come on. you can't be team jacob.." bia said to paige as she groaned in anger at the girls comment. bia and paige were currently watching twlight in bias living room.

"well i am. sue me."

bia looked at the girl in disbelief. she was such a strong edward fan. if it wasn't him, she didn't want it. bia and paige watched the movies in comfort of each others company.

"thank you for coming over paige. it's been nice."

"anytime, speaking of I kinda don't wanna go back to my dorm.. so.."

"yes you can stay tonight.." bia said lightly laughing at the girls attempt to ask if she could stay.

"but I'm not letting you sleep on my couch.. it's not as comfortable as it looks." bia said. bia would feel bad if she girl woke up with pain or something.

"fine.." paige acted if she wanted to refuse the offer but she didn't. she wanted to. bia turned off the tv as the last movie was on its outro, bia cleaned up the few drinks that were sitting out and the popcorn bow they shared and put them in the sink. paige followed bia into her room as bia put on a random disney show to fall asleep to and turned on the fan. bia was a person who couldn't sleep without a fan, if there was no fan she wasn't falling asleep. the two girls got comfortable in bed, paige felt very close to bia, hard to resist it, the blonde wrapped her arms around the tanned brunette girl. bia felt the butterflies forming, bia smiled as she fell into a deep sleep. the blonde saw her smile and smiled herself. the two girls shared a deep sleep together.

love , m <3

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