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"touch me yeah, I want you to touch me there

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"touch me yeah, I want you to touch me there."


IT HAD BEEB SERVAL DAYS since bia shared a car ride with paige. it was nothing special of course, but it still had been on the girls mind. classes were starting within a week for bia and of course the other girls, but bia would be missing quite a bit of class time to take shots of the girls in action. there was an upcoming celebration for the girls team to start the season off. of course bia was invited by everyone including geno, she may not be on the court playing but she sure was apart of the team.

"what are you wearing?" Alice asked bia as she searched her closet in distress. bia was one for fashion obviously so she took at least ten minutes everyday to find the perfect outfit or she wasn't going. she most certainly was not going to miss this.

"I don't know ali. I've been trying to figure it out for a hot minute now."

after what felt like years, bia finally put together an outfit. she wore a black spaghetti strap thigh-high dress with a chanel diamond belt around her waist. she paired the dress with some low top black boots. bia loved dressing in all black. she blended in but looked good. to add the finishing touches she added gold hoops, a gold necklaces with a "b" haning off and she threw on a few gold rings.

"woah look at you b.." alice said admiring her best friend. alice was always amazed on how bia looked good all the time. she had such a way with her looks. alice always wondered on how bia was single. look at her. she's gorgeous. well.. it's a good thing she met paige bueckers.


bia and alice walked hand in hand again into the little party. it was just them and the girls. everything seemed so perfect. the two girls entrance went noticed by the whole team as they wait impatiently for their arrival.

"you guys made it!!" azzi said the two as they took a seat next to each other. bia eas sat next to nika. nika turned to have a conversation with bia but was cut off by a certain blonde whispering in her ear. this action didn't go unnoticed by bia who was interested in what they were whispering about. soon after their little action, nika moved over to speak with azzi and alice and the blonde placed herself next to bia. inside bia was absolutely gushing but tried to hide it well enough. it worked.. sorta.

"so you ready for the season to start? uconns star player back on the court." bia said to the blonde making conversation.

"absolutely. trained so hard I need to prove myself." the blonde replied. paige loved when people asked her this question. she worked so heard after tearing her acl. trained everyday to be better and she finally gets to shoe everyone who she is.

"let's go dance b. let's have some fun!" paige said to the girl who was smiling.

"ugh fine. but gotta warn you..not the best dancer."

the brunette and blonde girls made their way to the little dance floor they had joining the other girls. the blonde wrapped her arms around bias waist just trying to get the feeling down. bia loved her touch bia wrapped her arms around paiges neck to return the touch. the two just swayed back and forth and it felt like the world stoped. they had only know each other for a little time, how where they so comfortable around each other.  after a few minutes of them dancing bia and paige pulled away from the dance floor taking their seats from before.
  bia and paige shared a few drinks before deciding to head out. funny how they never show up together but leave together. bia headed towards her car before she was stopped by a hand grabbing her wrist. 

"woah now, come on. let's go back to mine. we can do our little movie night again ." paige said keeping her soft but firm grip on the brunettes wrist. bia couldn't help but love her touch. physical touch was definitely her love language but it coming from paige felt different. it felt genuine. bia would always love her touch.


- love , m <3

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