one last goodbye.

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          BIA WOKE UP WITH AN OVERWHELMING FEELING. today was leaving day. bia needed to finish packing for the road and run by the store. her flight took off at 7:30 meaning she'd be at the airport at 7:15.

  bia played music off her spotify as she finished packing things up. she was supposed to stop by azzis and paige dorm to see them before she left. azzi and paige were leaving together since they both lived in the same state back home.

  the time stood at 10:30am. it's like the clock took its time turning, but felt fast. bia knew the feeling didn't make sense but she didn't care. she just wanted to distract herself.

  after she finished packing the last pieces of her clothing she turned off the music and made her way towards the kitchen to grab her keys. she hoped into her car, she hooked her phone to the aux. she drove to the store closest to her. she just wanted to grab a few snacks and wanted to grab a drink.

   after she paid for the items she returned back to her car, headings toward paige and azzi. the whole drive there she avoided it. bia was driving herself to the airport so she could park her car in the airport car lot. paige and azzi had a different flight time so the three wouldn't be at the airport together.

  bia parked her car as she came to her destination. she got out of her car and made her way towards azzis dorm. she figured all of three would be there together since it was the last day before their summer break although they had to be back for june, they got another off month in july.

  bia placed a light knock on the door. azzi opened the door offering the girl a smile. azzi pulled the girl into a hug before letting her go.

  "hi stranger." bia spoke leaning on the side of paiges door. paige was finishing up some smaller packing. paige got off the floor heading over to the brunette girl who was now putting her body weight on the blondes bed.

"hey." paige replied wrapping the girl into a hug. the two pulled away out of the hug once all the girls came into the blondes room.

  kk was the first to offer bia a hug. all the girls followed behind kk pulling the brunette into one big hug.

  " okay i love you all but you're all acting like you're never gonna see me again." bia laughed as she let go of kk. all the girls laughed moving out of the way to give the brunette some room.

" okay but all of us but for paige won't see you again until august." ashylnn said throwing her arm around the brunette. bia placed her arm on the girls waist giving her a little side hug.

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