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  BIA WALKED INTO HER familiar apartment back at uconn. geno had called for an immediate practice for the girls, bia ran back to her apartment real quick to grab her camera and laptop.

  bia walked into the gym trying to catch her breath. geno made it pretty clear that she had to be there at an exact time and luckily for her she was. all the girls were seated in a circle in the middle of the floor while geno quite literally preached to them.

geno noticed bia walking in a waved her over to the group. all eyes landed on bia and all the girls offered a smile. geno told her to take a seat so she sat down beside paige leaning into her a little.

geno talked a little more before he ordered the girls to ran three laps before shooting again. bia was ordered to take photos of the girls while they shoot.

  bia felt like she took enough photos of everyone before sending over the file to geno so he could see them. alice walked into the gym offering a warm smile with two coffees in her hand. she walked over towards bia and handed her coffee over before going over to aubrey.

bia sat down on the floor leaning her head against the bleachers taking sips of her coffee here and there.

"hey you okay?" bia opened her eyes and was met with the sight of her girlfriend standing in front of her with a sweet smile.

"yeah, I'm just tired." bia offered a smile back. she patted the floor next to her. paige and bia sat on the gym floor sharing a small conversation before geno let all the girls go.


   bia sat on the edge of her bed watching as paige talked about how excited she was for this year back on the court. bia felt herself smile and she watched paige pace around her room.

"what are you smiling at" paige asked letting a smirk leave her lips.

"nothing. keep talking." bia stated looking up at paige. paige kept talking about this year's basketball but how she was going to be sad to leave everyone behind.

  "let's go get ice cream!!" alice said barging through bias door. alice was just in a good mood because it was a friday. bia and paige agreed to the hangout. bia agreed to drive to the ice cream shop they all agreed on. paige invited all the girls out for a little more company.

  as the girls arrived to the ice cream shop everyone split up in their own little group. bia and paige walked hand in hand in the shop.

"what ice cream flavor do you want baby?" paige asked turning towards bia. baby

  "um just vanilla." bia replied back to the girl in front of her. bia noticed the girl taking their order seemed to be staring at paige a little too hard.

  nika,kk , paige and bia all took a seat at a table next to the rest of the girls. bia laid her head on paiges shoulder before they got their ice cream. 

once the girl came back with their ice cream she handed a napkin to paige. bia snatched the napkin away from the blonde to read it. call me sometime;) was written in bold letters. bia looked over to paige and cocked her eyebrow.

  "looks like you have a new girlfriend baby " bia stated as she laughed at the note. paige tilted her head towards the note and put like lips into a thin line.

"only want you." paige replied leaning in towards her girlfriend. she placed a kiss onto her lips.

"ew pda. gross." alice stated looking at the two girls. bia flipped her best friend off before kissing her girlfriend again.


   bia walked into her apartment while paige followed her like a lost puppy. paige decided on staying with bia tonight so they could have the weekend to themselves.

  "i just can't believe she did something like that in front of me." bia said walking towards her room. actions from earlier still lingered in her head. it was safe to say she was jealous. paige wasn't complaining though, she loved the jealous side of bia.

  bia was tired and wanted sleep but she felt herself able to stay up a little bit longer.
paige joined bia in her bed while they watched criminal minds.

"I may be into women but spencer could get it any day. " bia stated as she stared at her tv. paige looked over to bia and furrowed her eyebrows.

"what? ain't no shame in my game." bia said looking back at paige laughing. paige took the remote from bia with a grin on her face.

"no don't change it please" bia pleaded towards paige. paige laughed at how baldy she wanted to watch the show.

bia and paige watched tv for a little longer before bia fell asleep on paiges shoulder. paige fell asleep shortly afterwards.


update!! go me
also wanted to write a nika muhl story.. give me ur opinion on it
also updated let me love you im really liking the story its a more slow pace than this book is
go read if you love this book

love , m<3

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