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"your lips, my lips,apocalypse

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"your lips, my lips,apocalypse."


"OH SHE SO LIKES YOU!" alice practically yelled at her best friend. alice had came back to her dorm early this morning and she found bia and paige cuddling in bias bed. let's just say bia hasn't heard the end of it.

"oh come on. no she doesn't."

"are you dumb?. the way she looks at you says everything." alice said giving bia a serious tone and stare. bia liked paige, anyone could tell that.

"and you like her too." curse alice and her ways. alice was definitely someone you couldn't lie to. especially if she was your best friend. she saw right through bia. she knew the truth, even if bia didn't want to admit it.

"okay I'm not adding onto this. we gotta go to the gymnasium before I get yelled at ali.."

the two exited their shared dorm and made their way to the gym. geno called a short practice in today, like that was surprising. although alice wasn't working with bia in the film department or on the basketball team , she always traveled with bia. she just went to watch her girlfriend play basketball, bia knew that. bia loved it to. she loved watching alice gush over aubrey, she was a lover girl. she loved love.


bia walked into the gym with alice and her camera around her shoulder laughing at something alice had previously said. paiges ears perked up at the girls laughter, she let a smile slip out.

"what's got you so smiling p?" kk asked from beside of paige.


"your smiling at bia, aren't you.." kk said with a smirk pulling at her lips. paige hated how kk could read her like a book. kk was her alice. she saw right through her.

"shut up bro."

"you should ask her to hang out again.. for what? like the 50th time?"

paige wasn't up against it. she definitely knew somewhere they could go, but could she work up the courage to ask her? who knows. she hoped she could. paige looked over to bia who was taking shots of nika currently as geno was behind her making sure she got certain shots he wanted to see.

"PAIGE! get in there!" paige got knocked out of her trance once she heard geno yelling at her. paige quickly wrapped her head around and got started on the court. bia started taking photos of each girl separately, she also took some of them in trios and lastly she wanted a photo of the team all together. she took three photos. a serious photo, a silly photo and lastly just whatever they wanted. an hour had passed and geno so gracefully let everyone go early. bia gathered her camera and put it away in her pink covered bag. alice left with aubrey, so bia was left alone in their dorm for tonight again.. or so she thought.

"yo bia!" bia whipped her head towards the area she heard her name and came in eye view with paige.

"hey p!" bia replied with a smile. she was always smiling.

"since your alone again tonight.. was wondering if you wanted to hang out. but we won't be at mine or yours.. it's a surprise." paige asked hoping for a yes in return.

"uh yeah sure, what should I wear??"

"nope. you don't get to ask that. wear whatever you feel like wearing." bia hated that. she didn't like to overdress or underdress. bia always loved to dress for the occasion, but she didn't like the occasion in this case.. so she was basically screwed. bia and paige went their separate ways but no before the blonde informed bia she would be picking her up around 7. that left bia with two hours to get ready. so she had about an hour to stress. bia unlocked her dorm and headed straight for her closest. bia decided to make it easier for herself and threw on a red tanked dress with a low cut in the front. she threw on some simple gold jewelry with some black short heels. she went basic and took her curled hair out of her ponytail and fixed the curls. bia finished just in time before she heard a knock on her door. she made her way to the door to open it and came face to face with her blonde. paige took a moment she take in bia. she looked absolutely beautiful. she always did.


"please tell me where your taking me!!" paige and   bia have been driving for about 20 minutes. paige refused to tell bia where she was going. that would ruin the surprise. bia kept asking but once she saw she wouldn't get an answer, she let it go and decided she would just have to wait. after about another 5 minute drive they finally reached where they were going. a city view. a fucking city view. it was absolutely beautiful. bia loved the city at night. she loved hearing the cars go by but especially seeing the lights. it was so loud but so quiet.

"this is absolutely beautiful paige. this is so pretty holy."

"I know. it's beautiful." bia and paige were looking at two completely different things. bia was looking at the city. paige, however; was looking at bia. she admired the way her eyes sparkled in the light. bia turned to face paige but perhaps paige was standing so close to her. their faces were inches apart. bia could practically fold right then and there. she could feel paiges breath on her. they were so close. the perfect opportunity. bia noticed how paiges eyes glanced from her eyes to her lips. bia did the same thing, she couldn't help it.

"if your gonna stare at my lips, might as well kiss me paige." paige smirked and took her offer. her lips met bias lips. it was just them. nothing else mattered. just them. their kiss was sweet.. sweet like vanilla.


y'all they finally kissed!!! I genuinely love this one and hope you do!! but if you made it this far please tell me some things y'all would like to see happen in this story as it grows!!
love , m.

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