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"the perfect one for you is me

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"the perfect one for you is me ."


BIA AND PAIGE SAT on the blondes couch doing their usual friday night activities, binge watching movies. they held each other, well more technically, paige was holding bia while bia was holding the blondes arm. the two have sat in silence just enjoying each other's company.

"oh my god, i completely forgot to tell you something that happened this week." bia turned around removing herself from paiges arm but not letting go completely.


"i got asked out.by a man. by a basketball man." bia states laughing. bia looked at paige reading her facial expression.

"no." the blonde replied making serious eye contact. paiges jaw clenched at the idea of bia being with anyone but her. she didn't like it.

" no, what??" bia laughed at the girl's response. bia knew she was jealous of the idea of bia not being hers. 

" no we aren't doing that. you're my girl, I don't care." bia smiled at the sentence you're my girl she would love nothing more. bia being the person she is wanted to test paige.

"oh well technically not yours yet. we aren't dating yet." bia smirked at the blonde. paige let go of bia and walked into her room. what the fuck? was she mad? bia followed paige to her ro but all she was grab her keys and take bias hand in hers. 

"what the hell are we doing paige?" bia asked with a laugh. bia grabbed onto paiges upper arm as the two held hands.

"you said you weren't mine, so im making that change. i just didn't want to do it on my couch." paige smiled down at the girl. bia was a lot shorter than paige so for bia paige always had to look down on her. she loved it.

paige led the girl to her car and opened the door for her. 

"do you even know what you're doing??" bia asked paige leaning over to be closer to the blonde.

"yes i do. don't ask anymore questions." the blonde looked at the girl. their faces so close together. a feeling paige loved.


"paige." bia looked around at the sight. it had been where the two girls shared their first kiss. a special moment for them both. bia couldn't believe her eyes. no one loved bia enough to do all this. her past relationship was nothing like this. bia loved everything paige did for her. paige went all out for her. every time. bia held out her hand for paige. the blonde gladly gave her hand and held the girl close. the view had candles and lights. specifically her favorite candles, vanilla. bia couldn't stop looking around just loving the sight.

"so i have a question for you." the blonde let go of bia but still held her hands. the blonde was nervous. it was clear to bia that she was nervous, she didn't know why, bia would say yes to her question. bia squeezed the girls hand tighter to let to her know its okay.

" so bia, I've loved every little and big moment we shared together. i knew i liked you for the longest time, i use to refuse it but once you walked into the bar one night holding alices hand, i knew for sure. i liked you a lot. i felt my get jealous over your best friend.. I've questioned many times on who is good for you. and well the perfect one for you is me.." paige kept rambling on and all bia could do was smile. paige finally noticed her rambling and ended it.

"okay. bia reece white. will you be my girlfriend?" paige finally asked the brunette girl staring up at her the question. bia wanted to play with her and say no but after all this was sweet. she couldn't do it.

"paige maddison bueckers. yes." bia was immediately brought into a hug by the blonde and spun around. all you could hear was the girls laughter. everything was falling into place. bia and paige couldn't imagine their life without each other.


bia was sitting on paiges bed while on the phone with alice. alice being her best friend, of course she was the first to know. all you could hear on the other line was alice screaming. alice wanted all the details but decided to wait. bia and paige sat on the bed close to each other. bia decided on staying over tonight like she usually does. bia changed into one of paiges shirts. all her shirts fell directly above her knees. bia walked into paiges room after changing into the blondes shirt. bia took her place on paiges bed while she felt the blondes eyes following her. paige observed her. bia was finally hers. the perfect brunette who was tan right now, was hers. hers only. 

bia fell comfortably into paiges touch as the two girls fell into a sleep. paige and bia couldn't be more happier. they were each others. each other's forever.


y'all. they're finally together.
there story is not over yet trust!
a lot is gonna happen
anyways they're cute

love , m <3

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