bias birthday.

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          BIA WOKE UP TO THE GIRLS BARGING INTO HER ROOM. today was bia's twenty second birthday. she loved her birthday. it was all about her.

   "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"  the girls walked in carrying different stuff. aubrey had the cake in her hand.nika held the present everyone had gotten her. they all had a big smile plasted on their face.

  "you guys. this is so sweet. omg." bia gushed over the sight in front of her. she was use to celebrating her birthday with alice. but now she had a whole entire family.

  "we're taking you out for lunch and letting you do whatever. we all know you're not a big party person, but paige has a small surprise for you." bia furrowed her eyebrows looking over to the blonde.

  "i heard it's someone's birthday??" bia practically rushed off her bed and over toward alice.

  "HOLY FUCK, YOUR HERE??" bia screamed. paige had surprised her with alice.

  "okay go get ready for lunch." alice shoved her away but before she did, she gave her a big hug that could practically kill her.

   bia walked over to her closet looking through her clothes. bia decided on wearing a loose off the shoulder white dress. she went with simple makeup and straightened hair.

   "birthday girl is looking so pretty." bia turned her head and was staring right at paige. paige came behind her wrapping her arms around the girl.

   "your birthdays gonna be much better tonight when it's just us." paige winked at the brunette walking away.

  "okay now i see why you hated when i did that on your birthday. that's so not cool." bia said running up to the blonde. paige chuckled shaking her head.

  "yay your finished. you look good now let's go." nika jumped up grabbing the brunette and dragging her out of the apartment.

   they let bia pick where to eat. she chose to eat at a random place in cannondale village. it was a place that had a waterfront view.

  after they got done eating all the girls split up. alice went with aubrey considering they hadn't been together for a while. paige and bia went off together. kk,jana,azzi, and ayanna went off together.

   "come on i have a little something planned for you." bia didn't take long to understand what she meant. bia did find it weird everyone left early; now she knows why.

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