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"she said forget all the slow dancing baby we can take it to the bathroom

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"she said forget all the slow dancing
baby we can take it to the bathroom."


BIA WOKE UP AS the sunlight beamed on her eyes and the help of feeling eyes on her. those pair of eyes belonged to now her girlfriend. paige madison bueckers. she still couldn't believe it. how did this happen??

" got a staring problem or something??" bia looked the opposite way refusing eye contact with the blonde above her.

"no. just like staring at my girlfriend." paige stated making the girl look at her. bia felt like she was in a dream. never in a million years did she think she'd be laying in the arms of the girl she was crushing over since freshman year.

azzi came into paiges room and informed the girls that the team was having yet another small party. by small party I mean just the team including alice and bia of course. the girls had a little bit before the party was happening so bia and paige decided to go on a little brunch date. they went to a small cafe town just enjoying the time they shared together.


bia was currently standing in front of her closet placing an outfit together. paige was currently in the bathroom fixing her hair, which she was just straightening it. bia bought a new dress the other day that alice has encouraged her to buy. it was a short red dress with a cut out in the front. alice suggested to bia that she should buy it because she'd look good in it and the most important part, paige would love it. bia decided on wearing it, she was feeling bold tonight. maybe a little too bold. she paired the dress with some classic black heels. she put her hair in messy curls and did a basic makeup look.

bia walked out of her room and into the bathroom. she decided not to say anything and just to put her jewelry on. she walked in, her heels hitting the hard wood floor with every step she took. paige stepped out of the way to let her in but not before she took a double take. paige stared at bia for a hot minute. she couldn't believe her eyes. she was beautiful. more so in the case she was hot. bia felt eyes on her so she looked up through the mirror and made eye contact with paige. bia smiled at the blonde through the mirror. paige walked behind the girl and moved her long her to the side. she placed a kiss on her neck just letting it linger. the blonde turned bia around and placed more kisses around her neck.

"paige. we have to leave. " bia grabbed the girls hands and placed them to her side. as much as bia wanted this to happen, they had somewhere to be.

"we'll be finishing this later." paige stated in a very serious tone. bia smirked as she walked behind of paige.

"yes ma'am." paige stopped in her tracks and turned around. bia laughed and ran away towards the blondes car. she knew what she was doing, she didn't care. paige definitely cared though.


paige and bia walked hand in hand with each other into the party. neither of the girls were out of course but they didn't care. if someone saw and posted about it , oh well. they wouldn't care. paige shared a few little heys with her teammates. bia spotted alice talking with aubrey at the small little bar so she made her way over to the two girls. bia decided on not drinking tonight because it never went well for her. she could hold her alcohol, but not long enough.

paige noticed the brunettes absence after she had walked away. she spotted the girl having a conversation with aubrey. alice had gone to the bathroom so she wasn't around. paige noticed the two girls having a fun time. laughing and touching. something she was jealous of. paige clenched her jaw as she walked over to the two girls.

"hey." paige wrapped her arms around the brunette as she whispered into her ear. aubrey smiled as she got the hint and walked away finding alice. bia turned around so she was facing the girl. they were both sober. paige stayed sober because she was driving and partly because of their conversation they had before they left.

bia dragged paige onto the dance floor as the rest of the team joined them dancing with each other. bia swayed back snd forth with the help of paige having her hands on her hips. paige was loving the moment. bia was loving it. 

bia was becoming bold with the music. she faced the blonde as she smiled. the blonde smiled back down at the girl. paige grabbed her hand and led the girl off the dance floor towards the bathroom.

bia knew what the blonde was doing. she happily followed. she was sticking to her words from earlier. paige knocked on the door to make sure no one was in it. she didn't want to be cock blocked right now.. this was not the time. luckily it worked out in her favor, no one was in there. the blonde shoved bia in the room and locking the door behind them. bia placed herself on the counter. paige walked over and stood between her legs. a common place she seemed to be. Paige stared at the girl taking in her features again like this morning.

"you look so good." paige stated making the girl blush and look away. paige grabbed bias face to look at her and brought her lips to hers. bia placed her hands on the blondes face and held her close.  paige placed her hand on the open part of bias dress and slipped her hand into it since it was open and held her lower back.  bia wrapped her legs around the girl in front of her and tried her best to pull her closer. all of this was happening so fast, but they would absolutely not change a thing about it.

paige depend the kiss the best she could. bia let out a small moan but not going unnoticed. paige smirked. bia pulled away and kissed down paiges neck, she left her lipstick marks on her.


"oh. i left lipstick all over you.." bia said as the girls exited the party. they were tired and wanted to go home. bia took a photo to show paige because she couldn't see it.

"good. ill keep it." paige remarked swinging the girls hands back and forth. bia smiled as they got into paiges car. she was tired. she wanted sleep. she was staying at paiges again tonight. they listened to quiet music playing in the background as bia began to drift off. she was trying to fight it but she couldn't. paige placed her hand onto bias thigh as she dozed off in sleep. paige smiled at the girl once again. paige was truly in love with this girl. she would be forever.


they got a little heated this chapter.. you can guess what happened in the bathroom but..

i made a new story!!! one that I'll think more people will like!! thinking about changing the main characters name I'm not sure yet but anyways it's called "lost love" and I think it'll be a good story!!

love , m <3

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