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" i want it to be with you

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" i want it to be with you."


UGH bia internally groaned. today was her date with paige, let's just say she was nervous. bia waited for this day since the other night but she was not nervous prepared at all. bia always looked her best, but with tonight being her date, she wanted to look extra good. bia let out a sigh before finding her long white skirt that she had only worn a few times and grabbed a red cropped long sleeve with white lace on it. it would do for now. bia put her hair in simple curls as always and lightly applied makeup. she paired her outfit with some black short heels. she looked good.

bias thoughts were there interrupted by a knock on her door. her blonde was here. bia let out a breath before opening the door. bia was met with a smiling paige. bia smiled back at paige. paige reached out her hand for bia to grab onto and she gladly accepted her hand.

"you look beautiful b." bia felt herself smile. anything that paige said made her smile.

"you look gorgeous p." paige smiled. bia was the only person to make the blonde smile this much. paige walked bia to her car and offered the door open for her. paige came around to the driver side and got in and headed towards the road but not before connecting her music.

"so you wanna tell me where your taking me?" bia asked the blonde as she looked over. bia could stare at paige all day. she was so beautiful.

"nope." the blonde replied making eye contact with bia. paige smirked at bias face expression. she loved looking at bia.

"eyes on the road." bia said the paige shoving the blondes face towards the front. paige smiled as she reached her hand over and held onto bias. bia turned her face towards the window and let a smile slip. these two girls and their smiling.

paige drove for about another ten minutes before pulling up to an empty field. well not completely empty. there was a cover set on the ground with food and flowers. paige set up a fucking picnic. bia walked over to the cover following hand in hand with paige. bia stared at the sight of the picnic and paige in awe. her heart wanted to explode.

"this is so adorable. when did you have time to do this?" bia asked as she took a seat next to paige.

" i had a little help from azzi."

bia smiled. she was always smiling, but a lot more around paige. bia was truly happy. paige mad her happy. the two girls shared a long conversation as they ate just getting to know each other more. paige couldn't help but smile as bia talked.

"what?" bia asked with a smile. she noticed paige staring at her and stopped talking.

"nothing, just like hearing you talk." bia was in awe. bia grabbed paiges hand and held it. bia let herself smile. paige stared at bia, she brought her hand up to bias face and held it. she just wanted to look at her. bia couldn't help it, she let herself lean in and kiss paige. paige smiled into the kiss and just held onto bia. she didn't want to let go. the two girls pulled away from each other but still held onto each other. paige sat with her legs spread and bia took that was a opportunity to back up against paiges chest. paige played with the girls hair as the two stared at the sky. this was a moment the girls wanted to last forever.


bia ended up staying at paiges apartment. the two girls just didn't want to let each other go. they didn't want to separate. paige was in her kitchen cooking something easy but still good, bia sat on the counter just watching. bia observed paige. everything about her was wonderful. paige walked over to the counter where bia was sitting with her legs spread living enough room for paige to stand between them. paige held bias face in her hands again and placed a kiss on her lips. paige let go of bias face but placed a kiss on her forehead. bia scrunched up her face and paige smiled.

the food had got done cooking and the girls placed themselves on the couch and watched a movie, well tried to watch a movie. paige didn't allow for them to watch the movie, more so said, paige kissed bia more than anything instead of watching the movie. they were getting so much more comfortable with each other.  the girls got off the couch and made their towards the bathroom so bia could take off her makeup, more so paige took off bias makeup for her before going to her room. hand in hand the girls walked into the room. anything they did, they wanted it to be with each other. 


bia was awoke from feelings eyes on her. she looked up to see her blonde. bia let a smile slip. bia wanted nothing more than to be hers. she wanted it so bad.

"what are you thinking about?" paige asked staring down at the brunette. she was thinking about kissing her.. and a little more but she'll keep that hidden for now.  

"how much I like you, that's all." bia said, she was bold with it. none of the girls admitted they liked each other. well until now. bia went to get up but was quickly pulled back down by paige.

"na uh , you can't just say that then leave. "

"well you weren't replying"

"well i like you too bia. so much. " paige said smiling taking the girls hands in hers. bia could practically scream. she wanted. she would. and she did. she couldn't help. paige laughed at the girls action.. a lot. bia calmed down and eventually laughed at herself for her scream. 


all bia could think about after their date the other night was on how bad she wanted to be a certain blondes. she was going to be hers soon. she could feel it. paige felt it too. the blonde knew from the moment they met, bia would be hers.

@biareece posted on instagram!


liked by: nikamulh,paigebueckers and 1,450 otherslittle date night <3 💌

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liked by: nikamulh,paigebueckers and 1,450 others
little date night <3 💌


@nikamulh: so cute

@paigebueckers: wonder who??
reply: me too. she was a really pretty girl.

kkarnold: girl boo i want details
reply: noted

@alicejordan : you're so cute i wanna steal u
@paigebueckers replied: watch it ali.

end of comments


i plan on getting them together soon i promise 🙏
hope you enjoy
love , m <3

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