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"do you really wanna be my lover?"

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"do you really wanna be my lover?"


HOLY SHIT is what bia kept repeating in her head. bia hasn't recovered from the kiss her and paige shared the other night. it's all the two girls could think about. it came so naturally for them. like they were both use to it. after the kiss happened they just stayed together, of course until paige drove her back to her dorm. alice was the first to find out but she really didn't have to ask because bia walked in with a huge smile on her face. as it being monday bia was busy, once again. she only had one class today at 1 then she got a short break to grab something to eat or whatever she wanted to do then off to her favorite job. geno usally didn't talk to bia other then when she was taking shots of the girls and he wanted specific pictures, bia liked that. she didn't like when people talked to her while she was taking pictures. it made her lose focus, but when you have to take pictures of paige bueckers, you lose focus anyways.


bia walked into the gym again as she does everyday with a coffee in her hand and this time without alice. alice had three classes today before she was free. bia walked in and sat her stuff down on a chair that was lined up with others. there first game was coming up soon so geno had them working extra hard. bia couldn't wait til their game started because that's what she loved the most, yes she liked taking picture at practice but during the game she gets a lot more action out of them and plus she knew she'd get funny photos of geno yelling or at least get frustrated.

"hey bia. today I wanted you to take photos of each girls alone." geno said to bia. bia knew what he was asking, he wanted her to set up a back drop which she could do that, and take photos of each girls by their self which once again she could do that. bia shared a quick "i can do that" with geno as he walked away to go find a backdrop. you think he'd give her a heads up about it but it was whatever.

"did geno tell you about the photos?" bia heard the question being asked and turned to her side and saw nika and the rest of the girls.

"yeah, he went to get a backdrop and then we'll start!"

geno walked into the gym with a plain white backdrop. bia sat her camera in front of the white screen and lined it up as perfectly as she could. geno started calling them name by name of who would go first. first one was paige. just awesome for bia. 


bia was finally done with the last girl after making her doing three different poses, she was ready to leave. she just wanted her bed. yes she loved doing this job but when you hand a certain blonde you shared a kiss with.. it can be awkward. especially if both of you haven't talked about it. well not yet, technically. bia began walking to her car after she had just finished getting her camera and computer put away in her second bag.

"hey bia, can we talk for a minute?" bia knew that voice so well and she was terrified. bia didn't know what would happen, she liked paige.. a lot.. and it showed, well at least to alice.

"yeah, sure!" bia smiled back at the girl after she had put her bag in her back seat. bia was excited but mostly nervous for what the two were going to talk about.

"so um.. about the other night." the blonde started, paige was nervous, you could tell by how she kept looking away. one thing about paige is she was good at holding eye contact, when she was nervous or upset she refused to make eye contact.

"when we kissed, I hope you know that I don't regret it. I wanted it." bia let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. she let herself smile at the blondes words.

"your smiling, so I guess you wanted it to." paige was back to making eye contact again. fuck. bia couldn't help but look away. eye contact with paige was intense. after the girls had their short conversation paige offered from bia to come over for a little so she had something to do. alice was out of class by now but she wouldn't mind. bia quickly but not too quickly agreed after texting alice that she would be over at paiges. alice practically screamed for her when she got the text. alice loved that bia was getting to experience a relationship with paige. even though they weren't together, alice already had her mind set on them being a couple.

bia hoped in paiges passenger side and took the aux cord and played her playlist. bia refused to take her car because she loved to be a passenger princess.

"girl do you wanna be my friend, or do you really wanna be my lover." bia sang as she looked out the window. bia was a huge montell fish stan right next to lana. paige looked at bia when she sand that certain line. that line felt like it was meant for these two. they were friends but they definitely would be something more later. bia and paige stopped for food before heading to the blondes apartment. as they reached paiges apartment, they walked up the steps and towards the door. they really didn't have a plan on what they would do but only time could tell.


the brunette and blonde sat on the couch again as they watched a romance-comedy movie. this felt like a everyday thing the two did. it basically was. this time was different, they were closer. I don't mean in a friend way, I mean their bodies were closer. bia began to feel her eyes get heavy but she refused to let herself go to sleep. the blonde looked down at bia and saw she was fighting her sleep. paige pushed herself down and made bia lay on her. bia was happy to take up her offer of laying on her. paige ran her fingers through bias hair for an amount of time before she dozed off herself. the two girls were so easily asleep with each other. they felt comfortable. mostly importantly they were comfortable with each other.


y'all I love their relationship.. anyways how are y'all feeling about the book pls let me know and leave ideas of what y'all wanna read about.. I promise they're going to be each others soon instead of being friends 🙏

love , m <3

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