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      TODAY MARKED A week before bias and paiges one year anniversary. although the date fell during a weekday, paige had planned a date for the two of them. bia spent the day at the mall shopping around for new items including looking for a new dress for their date.

   bia was in luck when her eyes landed on a light blue dress that had a high rip on it. she wanted this to be her best dressed date yet, which was pretty hard to do since she always dressed up. even during school she was dressed up.

she searched around the mall for a pair of high feels that made her slightly taller but still comfortable. she bagged a pair of classic black heels. although the girl had countless numbers of black heels, she still loved to find new ones.

bia received a text from paige telling her she'd be over to get her after her event with the girls was over. the brunette checked the timing of the event and it ended in two hours, so that gave more than enough time for her to prepare before their date.

bia arrived home in a giddy mood for tonight. any night with paige was a favorite but with tonight being their anniversary date made it even better. bia never would had imagined a year ago today she'd be around her favorite girls and even dating on of them.

bia lit a few candles making the place smell good considering the blonde would be crashing over at her place tonight. bia made her way to her room playing her playlist off her tv.

bia started off first with her makeup applying light but noticeable products. she made sure to take her time, this was one of the times she wanted everything to look good and last.

bia finished with her makeup her last step being her matte lipstick. bia decided on doing her long hair in curls placing two small bubble braids in. she used some gold hair decorations around the bands holding her hair in the bubble.

bia placed her new blue dress over her body. she put on her new black heels and clasped them together. bia took a minute to look at herself in the mirror. when she put in the time, she felt unstoppable. she looked good.

bia took a few pictures being able to post them later. she was interrupted by a knock being placed on her bedroom door.

she turned to see the blonde leaning up against the door frame with white tulips in her hand. bia smiled at the fact paige remembered a conversation back before they started dating where she had mentioned she loved white tulips.

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