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"im sittin eyes wide open i got one thing stuck on my mind

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"im sittin eyes wide open
i got one thing stuck on
my mind."


biareece posted on instagram!


liked by: nikamul,paigebueckers and 1,456 othersround of applause for the dress <33

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liked by: nikamul,paigebueckers and 1,456 others
round of applause for the dress <33


@paigebueckers: my favorite dress tbh.
reply: mhm i bet it is

@nikamulh : 😍😍

@alicejordan : bye ur so hot
reply: says u ali

234 other comments


BIA SAT IN THE GYM as the girls finished up their practice. she wasn't taking photos today but she was still required to show up today. she truly just wanted her bed. she wanted a nap. but not before getting something to eat first.

"hey b, me and the girls are gonna go eat. wanna come?" bias ears perked up at nikas question. she wanted food so bad.

"nik when do i ever say no to food?" bia asked teasing the girl. nika reached out her hand to help the girl up. the two brunettes walked into the girls locker room.

as soon as bia walked in she was practically drug away from nika, she looked up to see who was pulling her away. of course it was paige.

"hey. you took away my girl.." nika said playing around with paige. nika was bias closest friend from the team. they were extremely close. if bia wasn't with paige she was with nika.

"your girl? nah don't think so." paige said giving a look to nika. bia laughed at both the girls as she pulled away from paiges hug so she could sit down.

paige walked over to her and took a seat beside her.

"tired?" the blonde asked bia.

"mhm." bia replied resting her head on the blondes shoulder. bia could fill herself getting tired but she wasn't going to bed without food. it was about 7 at night but bia was busy with school this week and plus going to practice everyday this week was tiring for her. but obviously the girls who actually practiced were a lot more tired than she was.

a few minutes had passed and bia had completely fell asleep on the blondes shoulder. paige lightly tapped the girl awake.

"come on. we're getting food than you get to fall asleep in your bed." paige said standing up from her chair pulling the girl up with her.

" will you stay over?" bia asked the girl. paige smiled and nodded her head towards the girl. 

the two girls walked hand in hand out of the gym and towards paiges car. the two girls decided on driving separately so bia didn't have to come back and get her car later.


bia was finally home. she was at her favorite place with her favorite girl. she walked into her room which smelt like vanilla as usual and had her fan going getting the room cold.

bia walked into the bathroom as paige followed her like a lost puppy. bia drug out her makeup wipe and skin care products. one thing about bia, no matter how tired she was, she was making sure she did her skincare. she hated going to bed without it.

as she applied each step paige watched the girl. something paige always did. she was always observing her. bia wished she knew what was going through her head every time paige was caught in a trance staring at her.

bia got done with everything and walked towards her closest to find something to wear to bed. she just wanted a big t-shirt with some small shorts. it was her favorite comfort outfit. paige had clothes that she previously left over there.

bia and paige got comfortable in the brunettes bed. bia rested her head on paiges shoulder as she drifted off to sleep.

paige stared at her, not in a creepy way. in a loving way. she was so happy. everything was just perfect for her. bia was perfect for her.


short chapter i know.. updated lost love though so go read it if u want
also almost at 1k reads on this book? insane..
will make next chapter longer i promise

love , m <3

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