Case of the Missing Icecream

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WHAT AN OLDIE OMG def gonna have to edit this one


As the end-of-day bell rang, Friday could see the physical relief of her classmates. Noticing the tense shoulders relaxing and others around her stretching their arms, she began to pack up her things and stand up. Hearing the end-of-day bell at a boarding school was much different she noticed. At her primary-school she used to go to, the end-of-day bell ringing had everyone excited and anticipating going home, but here it was more a sense of unwinding as they would just go back to their dorm and relax or hang out on one of the many fields Highcrest had to offer. She put her geography book and pencil case away (her bad experience with her pencil box made her vow to never buy one again no matter how much she trusted Ian). Analysing around her she saw Susan and Wai-Yi already starting to gossip, Melanie slowly waking up from her nap, Mirabella and Rajiv criticizing Mr Maclean's shirt he wore today and Ian and Drake planning to play a soccer match after lunch. She waited outside for her friends and smiled. These were her friends. She had friends. As sad as the thought was for normal people, it made her happy. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall.

After a few minutes, she heard a soft voice, "Friday? Don't tell me you've fallen asleep, it's way too early for that."

She opened her eyes to see Ian grinning down at her. She took a second to read his face. He's joking. Smiling back, she stood up straight and noticed they were waiting for her. 

"Me and Ian were gonna get the team to play a match against some senior boys, if you guys want you can come and chill on the stands," Drake said as they walked to their lockers. The lockers were an idea by Dr Belcredi who had enough of seeing students trip and fall while running as fast as they could to their dorm room to pick up something they'd forgotten and Friday remembered how her friends were delighted to decorate them. She hadn't seen the appeal until she had faced her own plain one after seeing all her friends and their bombarded lockers. Drake alone had his entire locker's walls filled with posters of his favourite basketball players. Wai-Yi had completely added wallpaper to hers, the locker now a pink and black zebra patterned mess. So, yes, she did cave and maybe decorate her own. 

"Ian and I," the boy in question rolled his eyes and elbowed his friend. Drake shoved him and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure, I'm fine with that," Susan nodded looking around for other nods of agreement. "But let's see if Miss Detective is finally free for once." She laughed and turned to Friday.

Friday smiled slightly as she recognised that Susan wasn't laughing at her but with her, "I am actually. I haven't had a break in a while." She sighed.

"Well, thanks to you I hardly see idiots running around and annoying me, so that's a plus," Susan said, sighing. 

Closing her locker, she saw her friends were occupied. Mirabella was putting on more makeup and applying some to Wai-Yi too, and the others were talking about one of the cases Friday solved the day before.

"It's like I'm in a cop show every time we go to interrogate someone," Melanie said with a smile. "Although, it's quite boring... and sometimes they start crying which just makes everyone uncomfortable."

"It does sound fun," Ian replied, wistfully looking in front of him.

"Don't even pretend like you could be an upstanding police officer," Rajiv said, shaking his head.

"I have no clue to what you mean."

"Ian, I don't wanna hear about you getting into any more fights than you already do." Susan chastised.

Suddenly something caught her eye. A small cart was being pulled around the front steps of the building. It interested her so she went after it.

"I'll be back, in one second," Friday said walking off and down the front stairs. The person at the stand was a year 10 girl who seemed to be doing a project for her business class. She was pretty with perfect clear brown skin and silky black hair. The sign in front of the stand looked rushed and talked about drinks but she didn't care about that. The girl smiled and Friday noticed a name tag that read, 'Neha'. She also noticed the girl's body language read she was nervous.

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