Coffee shop AU: Part 1

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First FB coffee shop AU ever oh em geeeee. 


There was a girl. A university student who came by the cafe every day at the exact same time.

She was insanely pretty, exactly Ian's type. So pretty, in fact, that he hadn't had a type before he saw her, but when he did, she immediately defined his type. She had chestnut brown hair that was long and wavy, curling at the ends, big hazel eyes with long fluttering eyelashes and tan skin, with various small moles in different places only visible depending on the type of clothes she wore. Ian had counted them. She had two on her right arm, three on her left, one on her left thumb, four on her face (two on her right cheek, one on the left and one next to her lips), a lot (about ten) scattered on her legs – including the one on her upper thigh he caught a glimpse of when she wore a skirt – and there was even one on the underside of her chin, right in the middle. He saw that one when she looked up at the ceiling when the light flickered. She was on the shorter side, usually wearing jeans and a jumper when she came in the morning. When she came in the afternoon, he'd sometimes catch her more dressed up, wearing fitted tops and skirts. Sometimes the girl came in with her friends, usually a girl with darker skin and coily hair. Her voice was smooth and nice to listen to, clear and certain. The girl had a small, pink wallet and inside was a photobooth-style picture of her and her friend with the coily hair (not that Ian was looking specifically at her wallet, it was just that her hands were pretty and he was staring at her pretty nails, okay). He knew she went to Melbourne University because sometimes she came in wearing a jumper with the logo on it.

"Or maybe," his manager (and the owner of the cafe), Alaric Fontana, would whisper to him, "it belongs to her boyfriend she might have."

"Shut up," Ian would hiss back.

She'd come in every day and order the same thing. A white chocolate mocha and prosciutto sandwich. Every. Day. Sometimes she'd add on a chocolate chip cookie if she had the time to eat. She was gorgeous and Ian could tell she was intelligent too. When he had first seen her and she said her name was 'Friday' he thought she'd been joking. Ian hated the people who put joke names, it was so annoying having to stand there while the loon and their friends giggled for minutes. But, no, it was her actual name as she had sighed and confirmed. Normally, people didn't talk back to Ian or correct him, so hearing her firm voice made him feel hot and duck to quickly make her order. She'd come in so much that she knew all the workers a bit and, sue him, but upon finding her name he may have done a bit of stalking and found her online. Friday Barnes, the top student at the university. She was majoring in Criminology with a bachelor of Astrophysics on top of that.

There was just one problem.

"Has she come in yet?" his co-worker Jaekyung Kim-Choi, asked him. "I wanna tell her about the new recipe I thought up!"

"Yeah, has she?" his other co-worker, Opal Uyehara, butted in with a teasing tone. "And my darling Jae, you won't get to, because she'll be too busy talking to me."

"You two are supposed to be checking on the muffins Alaric put in before!" Ian snapped, pushing them away. "Go!"

And it wasn't just those two who also had a crush on her.

It was all of Ian's co-workers.

All of them.

Besides Alaric, though. He was old.

See, the cafe was well and truly tiny, but it was in the heart of Melbourne so everyone and their mother enjoyed coming to it. The cafe was popular too because Alaric Fontana was also a sports teacher, so he understood what pulled in students who were the majority of the customers. For example, there was a 'cafe cat' – as Alaric liked to call it – that pawed its way around the cafe and lay about while everyone tried to catch its attention. The cafe itself was cozy and warm with leather-lined booths and lace tablecloths. There wasn't much of an exterior, only a simple sign reading 'Fontana's' and a chalkboard where Opal would write the specials every morning. The cafe was also extremely popular, being considered a 'secret treasure' even though when they open in the mornings, there's already a mile-long line waiting. Due to that, there was quite a bit of staff to make sure they kept on top of everything. Alaric worked only in the afternoon after school hours on weekdays, so there was a large team of workers for the size of the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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