Night Out in Paris: Radio

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In accordance to my AU

- Ian doesn't immediately go to Italy after the eight book. Instead, he stays and goes to Italy in the first year of university and all that stuff takes place at that point. SO therefore Friday and ian have been a couple for around 4 years
- The two are 18

- I imagine Ian has given her a promise ring at Highcrest before the ninth book

this will include french speaking ian so get a translator up (I did use google translator so it may not be as accurate)

this also takes place in the 10th book I think



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Friday jolted me awake. Her first thought hearing the sound was a police baton hitting her jail cell when the head officer would come to taunt her for being so recalcitrant. It had taken her a few minutes of panicked breathing to remember she was, in fact, not in a jail cell, but in her dorm in Paris. She only realised that when she felt her best friend's arms wrap around her and rub her back and her cat's soft fur on her legs.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Friday whispered, her chest rising and falling. Wednesday purred and went back to sleep.

"What was that?" Melanie wondered and looked out the window.

Melanie must've had a silent fight with Sophia before the three girls settled into their dorm because Sophia had grumbled and kept the bed beside the window for Friday. Friday calmed down fully repeating the memory of first meeting Melanie and being given the bed beside the window in their old dorm room. Oh, how she missed that room. It reminded her of a simpler time when her biggest worry was how she'd escape doing P.E. This led to Friday missing her professors, even if most didn't like her, there were a few she enjoyed. Mrs Cannon would have had a field trip knowing what was happening, and Mr Fontana would've been a much better guide for Ian (the boy seemed to be following everything besides his brain), and Mr Davies was just a calming presence.

Friday shook thoughts of her teachers she'd hopefully see soon and instead looked to Melanie who was looking out of the window. Melanie smiled and beckoned Friday to join her. Friday looked down and saw a head of blonde hair. She opened the window and held onto the window sill, her head poking out.

The blonde went to throw another rock at the window until he realised there were heads hanging out from the window and he dropped the rock.

"Took you long enough!" Ian called from his floor's balcony, a wide grin on his face. "If you just started using your phone again, we wouldn't have to go through this!"

The sound of the boy's voice made Wednesday wake up and hurry into Friday's arm. The cat meowed loudly seeing the boy.

"Ian! You made Friday have a panic attack!" Melanie scolded and Ian's adoring eyes became wide.

"Shit, really?!" he exclaimed and went to rush upstairs but Friday stopped him.

"No! It's fine, but why on earth are you banging on my window?" she asked. "And since when was your room right under mine?"

"Yeah, I wanna know that too," another voice grumbled, and Friday and Melanie jumped in shock.

Sophia's short auburn hair was a fuzzy mess, her micro bangs swept into her hair and her brown eyes filled with judgement. Wednesday hissed at her.

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