The Atonov's Part 1

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In which two new foreign exchange students arrive at Highcrest (who are also Atlantis's cousins from Russia).

HII! So this might be my last one shot before I begin focusing on my Hunger Games AU and secret new long story! Won't divulge into that just yet but I do hope it'll be exciting for you guys. it's definitely something new.
This is a silly one-shot because I can't stop making OCs (original characters). So this'll act as a (short) introduction to these two!
So! I'd like you all to Officially meet Vera and Sasha Antonov!! (Yes Sasha is also a boy's name, in Russia, I believe it's actually a nickname/shorter name for Alexander)
Some backstory for the two! I thought of Sasha first because one of my favourite Russian songs has a chorus that has the line "I love you Sasha" a few times. The songs above! It's a really good song. Then I thought about how a girl with like pale skin and straight blonde hair would be so pretty so I decided to give him a twin. Vera and Sasha are twins, Vera being the elder. They're quite spoilt and snobby and extremely blunt. All Russian is from google translate so my apologies if it doesn't make sense to any native russian speakers</3 Hope you enjoy!

Okay to start, of this is all in accordance to my AU ofc so you already know all that!


   "You know, Ian, they're saying he's the new you," Michael Pitter began, shoving his microphone into Ian's face during the beginning of dinner. "How do you feel about that?"

Friday laughed into her hand at that, knowing Ian would despise that sentiment. Sure enough, the boy was practically twitching with rage as he snatched the microphone from the man. They were alone at their table since all of their friends hadn't arrived yet.

"No one is the new me," Ian sneered. "He's just a white guy who also happens to be blonde and built similarly. And so what if I'm half Russian, we're incredibly different."

Michael grinned mischievously and pointed the microphone to Friday, nudging the girl holding a camera next to him (his one and only friend, Christina Wonda). Michael looked at the camera and spoke in his faux news anchor voice.

"And here, we have Friday Barnes!" he said enthusiastically, now putting his microphone in her face. "Friday!"

"Yes, Michael?" Friday responded, going with the bit. She may despise the boy, but seeing Ian this worked up was too hilarious to pass up.

"What are your thoughts on this so-called 'new' Ian!"

Friday acted for a moment to actually think about the boy's question. She relished every moment Ian glared at her. You see, just a few hours ago Ian had been annoying her quite a lot in English. It was one of those classes where Mrs Cannon would put in a pair of earbuds and say it was 'self-study time' when, in actuality, she was just watching a soap opera that was getting too enticing to stop watching. Ian had decided it'd be a good idea to annoy everyone around him because, well, when Ian got bored... he made that everyone's problem.

He annoyed Niko Mawith first, throwing paper aeroplanes he made at the boy until he finally looked up and groaned. Due to Niko's gentle nature, the boy couldn't get mad at him and instead sounded as though he was parenting Ian, saying 'Ian, we do not throw things at people' or 'No, Ian, stop doing that' until he finally snapped and told him off. Ian then turned to Drake who was right next to him. The poor boy was confronted with a small mechanism Ian made using paper clips, pencils, and blu-tack that launched tiny balls of scrunched-up paper. Ian had propped himself, resting his chin on one hand and using the other to poke Drake, any time the boy wouldn't respond, he'd get a paper ball launched into his eye. It didn't take long for Drake to shove Ian and move. Ian had only frowned but moved on to his next target quite easily. He didn't do anything as complicated as the first two times, because he knew he didn't have to do much to get Friday riled up. All he did was flip over the page of the book she was reading when she got to the middle of the page. She was on the other side of him - a foolish decision, really - and sat there, reading a mystery novel (titled And Then There Were None or something). Really, she should be thanking him considering all she did the whole time was gripe about how obvious it was that the judge was the murderer. 'I mean, really! He's the only one with a connection to everyone else!' she'd mutter in the midst of reading. All Ian would do is grin and flick the page over in the middle of her sentence. She'd glance up and glare at him, before turning it back and so they'd continue doing that for a while. Friday was too stubborn to get up and move and Ian was so bored he had to let out his energy somehow. He'd flick the page over and she'd smack his hand away.

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