Epilogue to Fairy Tale AU: Part 2

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The walk with her was pleasant, but so off. Ian hadn't realised how hard it would be to be around with her. It was as though a veil was around her, clouding her vision. She'd laugh and smile but her words would trail off, losing her train of thought.

Nonetheless, she showed him the village. She showed him the creek and meadow, where the horses grazed and the market square.

"Over there is the sheriff's building," she noted, pointing to a small wooden building. "My father's best friend's the sheriff, you can't miss him."

Ian looked over. "Ah, he wouldn't be big and blonde, would he?"

Friday looked up at him, surprised. "Yes, actually, he would. Have you met him?"

Ian fought off a scowl (which he found was very hard). He couldn't really tell her that his only experience with him would be when he threatened to skin Ian alive. Would the man even recognise him?

"Look, there he is! I'll introduce you to him."

"Wait-" he began, but Friday took his hand and led him to the man.

Well, guess he'll find out.

The warmth of her hand subsided his nerves, Friday leading him confidently towards the man. Upon a further, less hurried look, Ian took in the man. There was no doubt he was big in stature. Not only was he big in width, but in height as well. He reminded Ian of a grizzly bear standing on its hind legs. The man wore a brown tunic and brimmed hat. A pistol hung at his side from his belt. A dark gaze he had on, peering about the people.

Once he laid eyes upon Friday though, his gaze softened. His large hand ruffled the top of her brown hair.

"Why are you up so early? You should be resting!" the man said, his exclamations sounding like a dog's bark.

"Yes, I know," Friday responded with a sigh. She turned to Ian and smiled. "This is Ian, he just arrived here yesterday."

Finally, the man's eyes peered at Ian, and there it was. A sudden shock bolted through them, the man's eyes twitched as he gazed, but suddenly, as quick as it came, his eyes glazed over and the man nodded.

"Right, I remember hearing that. You're the hunter the King issued, correct?"

"That's me, Sir," Ian responded, smiling. It felt odd to do, awkward on the face and awkward inside. It wasn't like his old smile. A cold, mirthless one. This one almost pained him to put on.

"You seem awfully familiar, boy. Have we met before? Perhaps... in the forest?"

Ian's jaw clenched and shook his head. "I don't believe so," he said and held out a hand. "Ian."

"You got a last name, Ian?"

Ian recalled back to the original Ian. Did he have a last name? It started with a W, if he recalled. Wain... Wain something.

"Wainscott. Ian Wainscott, Sir."

For a second, that scrutiny returned but faded once more. The man shook Ian's hand.

"Bernard. I'm the sheriff here, so don't let me catch you up to no good, now."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Sir."


Friday led him around the village, showing him the important areas. Albeit, it was hard to focus when all he could think about was holding her in his arms again. She had no intention of this, supposedly. Instead, she guided him around without a care in the world. It was endearing, how simple it all was, how she'd fiddle with her hair and hop over rocks in the path. Sometimes, she'd turn and fix him with a peculiar gaze, staring at him hard before turning away and continuing to blabber on. Ian found out she was incredibly smart, knowing all the ins and outs of, well, everything. She seemed to be well-liked in the village too, considering Friday was stopped many times by passer bys. A blonde woman with an older-looking man on her arm passed by and pinched her cheek, cooing over her and begging for her to come over for tea. A ghostly-looking boy (one who looked so similar it almost had Ian frightened the town was being haunted) stopped and hugged the girl. Even an old man (who Ian learnt was the Mayor) shook her hand, combing a hand through his black hair.

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