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in accordance to my au:

- ian has a sister 

- Fridays dads name is Rabi


  6 hours and 47 minutes. That was Friday's estimated arrival time. 4:23 a.m.

Well, the one Ian calculated anyway. She would currently be flying across the ocean. Alone. That needn't be expanded on a lot though since Ian only grew angry just thinking about it.

Technically, Bernard (ugh) was the one picking her up. Her as in, only her, as the rest of her family besides Halley decided to come but it didn't matter since Halley would be staying with a few friends for the holidays and she was coming later on. Friday could have stayed in Switzerland and spent it with her family, but she had told Ian she wanted to see all her friends. Ian was one of her friends. Which meant...

"She wants to see me," he gushed while he was on a call with Melanie.

"And me, Ian. And Rajiv, and Drake, and Wai-Yi, and Mirabella, and all of her other friends. You're not special."

"Shut up, I am."

Even though Bernard (the loser) was the one she had asked to be picked up by, Ian was going as well. He had to. Why shouldn't he?! He could already imagine the scene before him, where they'd run into each other's arms and-

"I'm going to hang up if you don't stop fantasising," Melanie droned on in the call, you could tell she was one more second of silence away from falling asleep. "Don't get your hopes up, considering she'll be jetlagged. Also, this is Friday. You'll be lucky if you get a hug."

"Sorry, sorry," Ian sighed, sitting up in his bed.

"I'll definitely be getting a hug, though," Melanie added, rubbing salt in the wound.

"Yeah, I know," Ian mumbled.

"Probably a kiss on the cheek too."

"Okay. Not too much."

Melanie was coming too, because of course she was, so Ian had to let go of his visions, but nonetheless, he still calculated it. 6 hours and 47 minutes. Well, 43 minutes now. Her plane landed in 5 Hours and 21 minutes, but then you'd have to account for how long until she gets her bags and goes through all the check-ins.

He couldn't wait.

"Okay, I'll see you soon," Melanie said over the phone. Ian could tell she was growing bitter as he kept zoning out considering that was her job, but could you blame him?

"See you later, Mel," Ian said before hanging up and falling back onto his multitude of pillows.

It's been quite a while since he's seen Friday. As in, properly see her, not just in the small box in the corner of his phone when they'd video call. It's been, what? Almost two months?

A month, nineteen days, seven hours, and twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three-

Ian had put on a timer you see...

Anyway, the point was that it had been arduous. Too long. Way too long. He had wanted to go visit her but his mother and the new parasite living in his home (Bernard) had been so busy planning their actual wedding (gross) they couldn't go even though Bernard had promised. Ian sighed, he knew never to trust old men. Well, if Ian was being honest, the man didn't exactly promise. It was more like he made an outwards nod towards the notion of going but still!

The turmoils of adolescence were hitting Ian like a bus. Friday was just in Europe. Ian wouldn't be surprised if she had gotten herself into crazy situations and forgotten all about him! What if she had met an even more handsome blonde boy there? One that had a European accent and everything!

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