The Antonov's Part 2

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This was supposed to be 2 parts only but I got carried away this chapter with a little mystery so it'll be 3 parts! 

This one's a bit of a crossover episode so some characters from my Volleyball story show up! (sadly not the ones from other schools but I wanna get some of them in a story soon!)

WTF WHY IS THIS 6 K WORDS ITS ALL YAP oh my goodness anyways enjoy.


   He raised a hand, calling back to them. "I'm not hungry, tell the others I'm going to my room."

The nerve of him.

Frankly, if he wasn't Atlantis's cousin, he probably would've had the guy on the ground by now. He wanted nothing more than to punch Sasha's face in. Calling his mother stupid was provoking enough, but Ian had to admit, all of this 'new Ian' stuff was getting to him. He knew it was a joke, sure, but it just pissed him off. They hardly looked alike and for goodness sake the boy was built like a polar bear. Sure he was a bit taller than Ian, but he was also broader and stockier too. He was also deathly pale. Hell, those twins had skin whiter than snow! His hair was lighter and his eyes too! Not to mention this Sasha guy looked as though talking to a brick wall would be more entertaining than talking to him. He had deadpan eyes and not in the pretty way Friday did.


The new him, huh? Did that mean others would start their farcical proclaims that her and Sasha would get together? Was he getting replaced? And by who? This one note, tone-deaf copy of him?! That Vera girl was bad enough as well. Ian found it insane in the first place that they were somehow related to Atlantis. The whole idea was laughable! How on earth was sweet and shy Atlantis who was aflush at the first remark of confrontation related to those ice cold beasts? That was beyond him. It was like putting two lynxs and a bunny next to each other and saying they were related.

Ian had riled himself up by the time he made it to his dorm house. Everyone had gone to dinner by now so it was just him. Well, him and Friday's cat, Wednesday.

"Here, baby," he cooed, scooping the cat up as it pranced around the kitchen island. "Hey, Wednesday."

The feline tilted its head upon hearing its name.

"If you ever see your mummy around a big scary Russian guy, make sure to scratch his eyes out, okay?" Ian ordered, rummaging through the fridge for something to eat.

Wednesday meowed, snuggling deeper into the boy's arms. Ian took that as a yes.

"And if he ever gets really close to her, I'm giving you permission to bite him," Ian continued, pulling out a bowl of fruit salad Susan must have cut up.

Wednesday's favourite words were bite and scratch. The cat purred and jumped out of Ian's arms, circling the boy and rubbing against his leg.

"Good boy, can you do that for me? Even if Friday tells you don't, keep biting him, got it?" Ian added, laughing.

"Ian, you sound insane," a bored voice drawled,

Ian yelped, whipping around. Shun Katagawa stood at the door, staring at Ian as though he was ridiculous. His grown out black hair was messy, dark eyes stared at Ian. Shun stepped into the kitchen and rummaged through the top cupboards, finding his water bottle and filling it up.

"Why aren't you at dinner?" Ian asked, calming down. Wednesday now left him and went to circling the newcomer.

Shun shrugged. "Not hungry," he said, leaning down to scratch behind Wednesday's ears. "Why aren't you at dinner?"

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