The Antonov's: Part 3 (end)

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YIPPEE! DONE!! a bit short but i wanted to wrap it up nicely. Also Ian's first homoerotic scene aw (this is not a new ship do not get it twisted I beg of you guys to read between the lines)


Sasha had told Friday to meet him in the library at 8 o'clock sharp, so that was what she did.

She'd been expecting a tutoring session, not a therapy session.

"I do not know why he does not like me," Sasha said in his monotone voice, staring at the bookshelf.

Friday sat with her head in her hands. Epstein – who had come along to also study for an upcoming math test he had – was holding back his laughter as he got to know Sasha. For the past hour, Sasha had not been focusing on her teachings at all. Instead, he just talked on and on about how Ian was still mad at him.

"Sasha," Friday said, a scowl forming. "Did you want me to teach you math or listen to you rant about Ian? You're talking about him so much I'm starting to wonder if you have a crush on him."

Sasha stared at her blankly and shook his head. He raised an eyebrow as though she had just spouted nonsensical jargon to him.

"I do not like him. He is... you say? Too big for me. Not my type."

"Do not say that to him. Ever," Friday warned.

"It sounds like you're calling him fat. I think he'd throw up if you said that to him," Epstein said, laughing.

Sasha shook his head again. "He is not fat, but tall. Not my type," Sasha reiterated.

"What is your type then?" Friday asked, purely out of curiosity.

Now, usually, a question like that might be taken as flirting, but when it comes from two people as emotionally blunt as Friday and Sasha, it sounded more like an interview.

Sasha shrugged. "I do not know."

"You paint, right?" Epstein said. "When you paint people, who do you paint? Who's your muse?"

"Why does that matter?" Friday asked.

Epstein shrugged. "Ever since me and Raj got together, I always paint him. It just comes naturally."

Friday did notice that. Epstein's paintings had usually been of obscure ghostly figures but now they've shifted to more scenic paintings featuring a brown figure with a big grin.

Sasha thought about this for a moment. He actually looked deep in thought, frowning with his eyebrows furrowed. After a minute, he took out his phone and scrolled through his pictures before showing his phone to them.

There were dozens of photos of paintings, mostly done in oil paints. They were extraordinary, to say the least. Precise brushstrokes of muted, dark colours painted the canvas, filling every inch. Friday was shocked to feel emotions exuding out of the art, so much so that even she could tell there were heavy manifestations of his emotions seeping from his art. The brushstrokes were heavy and short, each one on the page for a reason.

Friday caught on quickly enough. Most of the paintings with figures in them included ones of tall stature with blue eyes, pale blonde hair, and milky skin. Sasha's family, Friday presumed, her eyes landing on a piece of a ballerina in a back-breaking arabesque pose. It was different to a usual arabesque though, the ballerina's leg was bent so far back it almost touched the back of her head and she wore an indifferent face. It had to be Vera. Sahsa caught her sharp features perfectly, the black costume on her lithe body.

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