First Date

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"I've never been on a first date before. Well, a proper one at least. My real first one was with a criminal and I don't count that."

   The rain crashed down hard and the ticking time bomb that was her emotions finally exploded inside of Friday.

   "I have. There's really not much to it," Melanie replied, looking through the extensive wardrobe.

   "Is it hard?" Friday asked, anxiously sitting on the side of her bed, staring at the ground.

   "It shouldn't be hard," Susan replied. "Especially, for you two! You've been extremely good friends for a year and a half now!"

   Wai-Yi laid back on the carpet of Friday's dorm and stared up at the ceiling. "Imagine it does go bad, though. That'll be crazy."

   The room went silent, the only nose that could be heard were Friday's quickening, ragged breaths.

   "No, no, no! I didn't mean that! It won't go bad!" Wai-Yi exclaimed, jumping up and hugging the girl. "Please, Friday!"

   Friday's stomach churned horribly. It felt as though something was inside of her and was going around clawing at her insides. She could hardly breathe at the thought of her first date with Ian going bad. She liked Ian! No, she loved him! If it went bad, what would happen next?! Would they stop being friends?! Would he be mad at her?! No. No, no, no, no, no, he can't be mad at her! Not again! Not after all those times he already was! Friday knew it was impossible, but she could only think of her heart literally breaking at the thought! She loved being friends with him. After Melanie, he was her second closest friend. They've been through so much together. He made her feel so... so... ugh! If it went bad, Friday didn't know if she would be able to recover! Finally, finally, they were together! She had even thought she'd lose him after what Bernie had been saying. Oh, she'd been so anxious hearing the prospect of Ian eventually going to Italy, but no. He wasn't going. Bernie had decided to delay it after Ian begged him to. After all this time, they were finally together, it couldn't go bad. It just couldn't. Because, if it did, would Friday ever even get this again? Would anyone even like her? She didn't even know why Ian liked her. He was so strong and confident and gorgeous, and... he made Friday's brain melt! He walked into a room and instantly everyone could only pale in comparison. He smiled and Friday felt as though she could die right then and there. He was like the sun and Friday had no problem with orbiting him. And in comparison she... well.

   She was nothing.

   Susan scowled and slapped her right across the face. "Hey, look at me."

   Friday faded from her panicked thoughts and looked at Susan. Her cheek stung.

   Susan took her face in her hands. "Friday. You will not, under any circumstances, panic. Do you hear me?"
   Friday could only breathe in deep breaths. How could she not panic-!
   Susan jolted her. "Friday!"


   Susan sighed, looking her directly in the eye. "You know I'll never lie to you, right?"

   Friday nodded.

   "And you know that I only say cold, truthful facts to you?"

   Friday nodded again.

   Susan held her by her shoulders.

   "Ian is irrevocably and fundamentally obsessed with you. Did you hear that? Or do I repeat myself?"

   Friday went to open her mouth but Susan interrupted her.

   "Listen to my words Friday. I didn't say in love. I said obsessed. Science can't prove he's in love with you, even though he is. But if I went and analysed his brain, his emotions, his thinking patterns, they would all link back to you. Okay? You cannot comprehend how obsessed and infatuated with you."

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