Family Dinner + Ian

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In my Au, which means:

- Bernie is not Friday actually Uncle, instead her father's best friend

- Therefore Bernie's last name is Johnson, but he took Ian's mum's last name so now he's Bernard Wainscott. 

- Friday's mum's name is Dasia and her dad's name is Rabi

- rich!Friday considering I think it's absurd that she was 'poor' in the first place when her combined family income definitely makes more than 6 figures a year. 

- Ian's sister cameo!!! Ivory Wainscott the (not real) woman you are

- Changing my au!!!! Ian is now half Russian, half French! I think the newest book confirmed Helena is not Italian and I had based that off of vibes but I like this better. This doesn't come into the story, but just a new thing.


  It was a regular Sunday for Ian. Only the second day of the summer holidays and he was already well situated in his bed, ready to fall asleep at 3 p.m. without a care in the world besides the fact that he had a tremendous amount of holiday homework to do.

"Helena? Are you ready?" Bernard could be faintly heard calling out from downstairs.

Ready? Ready for what? Ian thought, suddenly shifting from his plush bed and trying to get off of it. He hesitantly opened his door and listened.

"Just a minute, darling! I need to find my other earrings!"

Where were they going? Ian thought. He stepped outside of his room and towards the imperial staircase, the chandelier above him glinting in the afternoon sun. Walking down the carpeted stairs, he made his way through the hallway towards the kitchen where the two adults were.

Both we're quite dressed up. His mother was in a deep red sheath dress and matching kitten heels, which was weird considering his mother usually wore her overalls and a cotton button-up that was so dirty sometimes you couldn't even tell what colour it was. And Bernie was in a suit. not the suits he wore for work, no, this was an actual suit with a navy jacket over a crisp (and clean!) white button-up.

"Where are you two going?" Ian asked hesitantly, standing in the doorway of the huge kitchen.

His mother turned and smiled. "Sausage! I thought you were asleep?"

"I was about to be," Ian muttered, glancing towards the walk-in pantry wondering if there was anything in there worth eating. He then decided he was too lazy to check and instead chose to pour himself some water.

"Well, Bernard and I were just about to head off. Remember? We're visiting the Barnes' for dinner!"

Ian choked on his water. "Wait! Didn't you say you were meeting with her parents?"

"No, darling, I said we were going over for dinner."

"And that means the whole family?"

"Yes, darling," his mother said with a smile. 

"Is Ivy going?"

"No, love. Don't you remember? She has an art exhibition to set up for tomorrow."

Ian stared and suddenly regretted his decision to tell her he wouldn't go. He glanced at Bernard who grinned.

"Friday's going to be there," he said smugly. "Maybe we can wait five minutes if you want to..."

But Ian was already gone, running back up the stairs to frantically get ready. His mother and Bernard sighed, sitting back down knowing they would still be here long after five minutes.

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