Arcade Date

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"It's okay, I don't need it. . ." Friday mumbled, watching her boyfriend glare with malevolence at a stuffed animal.


Friday raised her eyebrows and he turned around and sheepishly apologized.

"We're not leaving until I get this damn thing," he smashed the button a bit too hard.

The claw went down, about to grab a white bunny. Its prongs extended and gripped the ear of the bunny. The bunny was lifted up, and Ian let out a sigh of relief, muttering "I told you so".

Until the plush fell and he cursed, slamming his fist on the controls.

"Are you done?" Friday asked, sighing.


Friday slumped down the side of the machine next to it and sighed. They had been here all day. What was once a cute arcade date (Ian had suggested it), had become a horrible display of Ian's pride getting the best of him.

They arrived and played games as usual. The arcade was a burst of neon lights and 80's rock music. Ian's competitive nature aided him in getting the most tickets and the highest scores possible. He had faced Friday with a large smirk on his face after doing a strength test and getting a high score. Friday in turn, was more interested in watching the lights on the game flicker and wonder how she could fix it. Ian asked her if she even watched him and she just smiled and said yes, she didn't want to ruin his fun.

Friday then made an effort to participate and show enthusiasm, but it was quite difficult when she was just not as interested in it as her boyfriend was.

"Why go through the stress of these rigged games when I could just buy the toy myself? It's quite obvious you'd spend more money on the game than the actual prize."

"Friday, you play the game because the risk is fun. The fact that I might not get it is what makes it exciting."

"Oh, right."

She had ended up sitting in a booth eating hot chips while watching Ian and Drake play the basketball game. Their other friends had arrived and while Friday knew that since it was a date, she should be up there, she figured he'd end up having more fun with someone who actually wanted to play. Every few minutes he'd go up to her and drop a new prize he had won in an expanding pile. Friday would smile and give him a kiss and the cycle would continue.

Until Ian found a claw game with science-themed animals and he decided he wouldn't leave until he won one for her.

"It's fine," she said as Ian lost his first time trying, "they aren't even that cute, there's no point."

This was a lie. They were soft, fluffy plushies with lab coats and glasses on them. Bunnies, bears, cats, and dogs filled the machine and had large, glassy eyes that were adorable. Friday did want one, but she knew the machine was rigged, so logically, it was futile.

"But you want it. So, there is a point," Ian smiled, putting another coin in.

She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, allowing him to continue.

Yet now, they had been there for another two hours and Ian had still not won a plush.

Friday knew it was killing him. Ian had this deep sense of pride that couldn't be deterred. He had to win, he just had to. He always won his sports games, no matter how tough the opponent was, and he always had to be the one who scored the most. He had to be the top student in class (only in the ones Friday wasn't in as there was no chance of that). His pride would never let him step down. He didn't step down once saving Friday and in doing so he would risk his life. Ian had to be the best at everything, it was just his thought process. But now, he looked as though he was about to punch the glass of the machine and grab a plush.

He failed once again, and Friday saw his fist tighten. She placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed.

"You'll go broke if you continue. You've spent over a hundred dollars on this one machine, just drop it," she said.

Ian looked at her and groaned. Slumping down and sitting on the floor, his head in his hands.

"I'm the worst boyfriend ever."

"Stop being dramatic, it's one toy," she rolled her eyes.

"No, it's not that," he frowned. "I took you out to somewhere I knew you wouldn't like just because I thought I could try and make it fun and yet all you've done is stay silent and watch. Then, here I am, acting like a pathetic idiot trying to win a stupid toy." He got up and put on his jacket. "Let's just go, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you when we get back."

Friday frowned. She didn't want this. She took his hand and brought him back to the machine.

"Ian, I promise you, I have had fun, I just didn't show it how you expected," she said. "It was nice watching you enjoy yourself. What I'm not having fun with, is watching you beat yourself up over a toy. Your worth isn't defined over some fur and stuffing," she smiled, cupping his face and kissing him.

He sighed. "You're right, like always."

"This game was designed to fail anyway. Look, even I can't do it and I can do everything," she said putting a coin in the slot and smiling.

"I love how modest you are," Ian grinned.

Friday maneuvered the stick, the claw ending up on top of a brown bear. She double pressed the button and the claw went down. She turned around and faced him.

"See? It's a lost cause," Friday smiled, having cheered up her boyfriend. Except, she looked at him and his eye twitched.

Friday turned. The brown bear was sitting in the prize compartment. She picked it up and laughed.

"Huh, guess I can do everything," she giggled, putting the bear in front of Ian's face and lightly tapping it against his lips. 

Ian took her head and kissed the top of it. "I hate you," he muttered and snatched the bear from her. "This is mine now."

"Hey! But I won it," she exclaimed.

"Friday! Learn to share," he laughed and pointed at her large pile of stuffed toys he had won for her.

She frowned and he continued.

"Anyways, this little loser looks like you, I'll have fun throwing it at the wall."

"Oh, hush."

He laughed and took her hand, helping her carry her toys back to Highcrest.


Friday went over to her boyfriend's dorm, going to return the jacket she had 'borrowed'. She opened his door and saw Drake awake, typing on a laptop. He waved at her and she went to put his jacket down when she noticed something. He was asleep, and besides looking like an angel, she noticed a small brown bear against his chest.

She smiled, going down and kissing his forehead.

"Knew that plush wouldn't hit the wall," she muttered to herself as she left.


wait bye this was so cute good job past me

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