Unfinished- Parent Day

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Started this and had no idea where it was going, might complete it some other time!


   The earsplitting sound of feedback screeched from the microphone. The Headmaster tapped it again and spoke into it, standing behind the lectern and addressing the crowd in the assembly hall.

"Welcome! Welcome all!" the Headmaster greeted the doubled crowd. "We are proud to accommodate you all in this year's Parent Day!"

Parent day.

Ian's least favourite day.

The crowd clapped politely, the adults too vain to show emotion. Ian looked around, scowling at all the parents accompanying their children. There was Jacinta and Abigail Silva's model parents pretending to not be looking at themselves in the reflective marble floor. There was Peregrine's mum who's an engineer. Even Edmond Mawal's mother came and she was 4th in line to the Saudi Arabian throne.


The two school captains, Evelyn Ahuja and Cornelius Vanderbaten, stepped up and began their awful droning. Ian liked Evelyn enough, but she was about as interesting as a brick wall. Gorgeous, yes, but there wasn't really anything up there. Cornelius was also a bore, his parents had paid the school off for him to become captain so it was clear he had no drive, he just liked the title.

"After this short assembly, there will be activities all day so there won't be a moment of boredom. On the schools' website is an itinerary of the day. The student versus parent soccer match is planned for after lunch," the Headmaster added after the two stepped off the stage.

Moiya Odili's father, who was a famous soccer player, cheered from his seat. The crowd laughed.

"Mr Odili, please go easy this year," the Headmaster laughed a very fake laugh. "To conclude, it is a pleasure to have with us here today, our very own and beloved Niko Mawith's and Mirabella Peterson's mother here today," the Headmaster spoke, relishing in the suspense of the parents. "I welcome the Prime Minister of Australia, Kwachi Mawith, to say a few words."

Here was when the parents did show emotion, each and every one of them wanting to suck up. Of course, besides (or especially) those with parents who were already diplomats.

A petite dark-skinned woman walked onto the stage in a smart pantsuit, her coily hair slicked back into a neat bun. From next to him, Ian felt Mirabella stiffen and he saw her scowl.

"My stepmother," she muttered, shaking. "I cannot believe they called her my mother."

Ian sighed, knowing exactly how she felt. It hadn't been a while since Mirabella's father had married Niko's mother, making the two now step-siblings. Niko had been indifferent to it, happy for his mother.

Mirabella hadn't been.

Over the week after the marriage, she had refused to go to class, screamed at her father over the phone, and even refused to leave her room. Anytime she saw Niko she'd publicly berate him and call his mother a few unsavoury (and unjustly) words, only to storm off in a huff when Niko didn't fight back.

And Ian understood her completely.

"Hello, all!" Ms Mawith greeted, a sweet smile on her face. "It is a pleasure to be here with you all. I want to just reiterate the importance of being with your children and it is so amazing to see so many parents here today at the renowned Highcrest Academy. I know today will be a good day!"

"Bullshit," Mirabella and Ian mumbled.

The crowd of parents cheered and filed out of the assembly hall, giddy off all of the champagne they'd already consumed.

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