Movie Night

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In accordance to my AU: 

- Ian has an older sister named Ivy (Ivory) (shes only briefly mentioned in this)

all that jazz

frian movie night
friday just overthinks for a few thousand words and the two have some moments together that 'just friends' would never have.


"I'm thinking sushi and Wild child."

"Or, just maybe, I get to choose tonight?"

Friday pursed her lips. "You got to choose last time."

Ian stopped in the hallway and turned to her with his eyebrows furrowed. "Maybe your memory is not as good as you thought, considering last week, Saturday night at eight pm, we watched the first five episodes of Gilmore Girls and ate tacos."

"That was the Saturday before last Saturday," she defended. "Last Saturday we watched Ready or Not and then Knives Out and had pizza, like you chose."

A look of realisation dawned on Ian's face and he made a silent 'oh' sound.

"In my defence, I chose Knives Out for you," he ventured, wondering if he'd be able to play it off.

"Oh really?" she smiled, amused.

He nodded as they walked to her dorm. "Yep, because I know you like mystery movies," he trailed off and frowned. "And you like Chris Evans too..."

She sighed dreamily. "I do like Chris Evans, there's just something about him." She didn't like him that much, Friday just thought he was pretty, but the scowl Ian had on was just too funny.

Ian rolled his eyes. "He's a conventionally attractive white guy, loads of them out there."

Friday laughed. "Oh, like you?"

Ian frowned. "I'll ignore that you're making fun of me and focus on the fact this means you think I'm attractive," his usual smug smile returned. "Although, you affirm that quite a lot already."

Friday glared at him. "As if I need to fill your already massive ego, get in," she chided and pushed him into her room.

Every Saturday from eight till midnight, Friday and Ian were the only ones in their group free. The Headmaster had forced Melanie to choose a club (she'd left the theatre club because they started to do mandatory warmups), so she chose the book club. Everyone knew the book club didn't really have an organised schedule, and they didn't really read school-appropriate books, but nonetheless, it was the only club that appealed to her. Susan and Wai-Yi took up a sewing workshop, which meant Friday was gifted a unique assortment of clothing where she ended up with cream Cami tops that had small pink flowers stitched into them, red sundresses, brown mini-skirts, and then, on the other hand, she also received ripped denim shorts with tiny stars sewn into them, long-sleeved tops with bands and old shows she didn't know the name of, and many thigh length socks and stockings. Many. So, both of them were busy. Likewise, Trea and Mirabella were also in the said workshop, except the things they made were tiny clothing for their pets (Wednesday had gotten a very cute hat that Friday had to wrestle him to wear). Drake and Rajiv did rugby drills at this time, and Epstein spent most of his Saturday nights holed up in one of the art studios painting only to get ambushed by the rugby team who'd loiter in there.

Friday wasn't one for school clubs (besides the science club which was on temporary hold due to a freak fire accident). She would try her hardest and give it her all when her friends asked her to play sport with them, or she'd sit and watch while they did creative activities, she even tried book club... except she got bored once she realised, they didn't analyse the books so much as gush at the romantic bits. Which, of course like any other reader, she liked just as much, but she had expected a lot more analysing and a lot less going crazy when the love interest called the protagonist a pet name (which she could always gush over with Melanie in their dorm).

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