Rewritten Chapter

27 4 1

In accordance to my AU:

- This takes place in Rajiv's pov 

- okay so rajiv has the touch of the 'tism (hes he has autism) 

- Mrs Cannon has some really weird lines so i tried my best to remove them cuz . . . uh uh

Past Laura note: anyways before we get in, today's thought is I find it so fkn funny that in uh fifth or third book I can't remember, BUT IAN USED TO STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY, POINT AND LAUGH WHEN FRIDAY DROPPED HER BOOKS??? HELLO???? HES SUCH A DICKHEAD😭😭😭 he got that menace rizz call him Ian frizzderick Wainscott


Mrs Cannon's Assignment - Rajiv

Thursday afternoon, Rajiv, Ian, and Drake walked to their English class. They were actually supposed to be there last period, due to them having a double, but instead, they had skipped and sat in the deserted dining hall.

Mrs Marigold had tried to kick them out but one pout and promises of being good made her sigh and leave. The boys did what they had been doing for the ten years they had all been best friends, enjoy each other's company. The three fitted together better than anything else, it was as though each completed a part of the other. Without one, the entire self would crumble. One could not do something lest the other two follow.

So, when Rajiv proposed they skip their first English period to goof off, the other two happily agreed. 

"Sure," Ian had said as he fiddled with a Spiderman keychain on the other boy's pencil case.

"Of course you'd agree so quickly," Drake had scoffed.

Ian shoved him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, rack off."

The three boys had found themselves sitting in the dining hall doing their own thing. Mrs Marigold wasn't one to care about the rules, so after the period was half over she came out and gave them a plate of pastries from breakfast this morning.

"We should skip more often," Rajiv mumbled through a mouthful of an apple danish.

"No," Drake exclaimed and Ian laughed, agreeing. "You guys are bad influences on each other."

"That's why we have you, dear mother," Ian grinned which earned him a slap.

Drake berated the two and told them they would go to the sixth period.

"Why aren't you eating Ian," Rajiv asked, taking a cinnamon muffin and shoving it into the boy's mouth.

"Probably has too much sugar and not enough protein," Drake mocked and now he was the one being slapped. "Can't build muscle if all you eat is sugar, duh," he mocked.

"You're so vain," Rajiv laughed and Drake joined him.

"And yet I'm the hottest guy you'll ever see, so really I should be the one laughing."

"Make sure to add self-appointed in front of that, mate."

"Yeah," Rajiv said, trying to hide a snicker, "what if I said with a straight face that Christopher was hotter than you, what would you do?

"Kill you."

Drake stood up. "Come on lads, we should get going if we want to make it before the bell."

This led to them walking to their English class. Very slowly of course (except when they ran because they thought Mr Searl had seen them from his classroom) but once they did make it, they didn't hesitate to walk in.

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