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In accordance to my AU

- Arab (specifically Lebanese) Friday

- Parker's in their year level

- no technology ban in highcrest cuz is said so

- It's canon that Ian listens to old rock music. 'The Doors' was said in book 8, so i assume/HC he'd like bands like Nirvana, FooFighters, The Smiths, Hockey Dad, The Neighbourhood, The Fratellis, The Smiths, and artists like The Weeknd and Lana Del Rey (he's a boy with mother AND daddy issues ofc he'd like Lana)

- This takes place when Princess Ingrid is at school

- He has some issues with the violin, this isn't too important but it comes up. I'll go in-depth in the comments if anyone wants. It's just apart of the deep lore I've made up.


Ian had never wanted to be in healthcare, but it seemed the school nurse had other plans.

All he had wanted to do was walk with Friday to breakfast so he could pick her brain about the new princess but instead, he had opened her door to find one of the new school nurses, Dr Nekota, fretting over the girl in bed. Dr Nekota was still very young, he probably had just graduated med school before the Headmaster hired him. Most of the new teachers at Highcrest were either extremely old, credited, professional teachers who could handle even the worst kids, or fresh graduates who didn't know how bad the students at Highcrest were (Ian himself in Year 7 had gotten a teacher to quit just because of how mean he used to be). Dr Nekota seemed nice, but way in over his head. There was only one nurse at Highcrest before, a sweet old man who all the students liked, until the beef stroganoff incident and then there were many new hires. Dr Nekota was rummaging through his bag hastily and Ian could see a bead of sweat run down his neck.

Ian then looked at Friday. She was bundled up in a multitude of blankets, her thick, fluffy hair covering her face like a lion's mane. He could hear her sniffle under the covers and cough a few times. Her bed was littered with used tissues and he could see they had fallen off her bed and her bin were already full of them. Even under the many heavy blankets and her doona she still shivered. 

"Ian!" Dr Nekota exclaimed, finally looking up. The two had met multiple times (it was soccer season and Ian wasn't the most peaceful one on the field), so he knew him quite well.

Dr Nekota took a few things out of his bag and set them on the bed. He then picked up his bag. "I'm too busy to do one-on-one care with her, a lot of the other nurses have gone on strike after Tristan Fanshaw broke in and messed up their offices and I'm so stressed out right now," he looked close to a panic attack, "I need you to stay here, check her temperature frequently, and just help her." 

"What?" Ian asked, it was too early in the morning for him to realize what was being said.

"It's just a simple cold and I've left you some supplies, but I'm afraid it'll get worse without care and she's too weak right now to take care of herself, so you need to stay with her until I can come back," he gulped and took out a small notebook and began scribbling. "Here's an absence note if anyone comes in and I'll ring up Analise to adjust the roll," Dr Nekota shoved the note into his hand, went back and whispered a farewell to Friday, and then rushed out until he doubled back. "And make sure she drinks plenty of water, not ice water, and make sure she eats enough!"

Ian watched in confusion as the man ran out with his bag. He stood there for a moment before turning back to Friday, it didn't seem like she even noticed him, only cuddling closer under the blankets. It looked really comfortable. He sighed and began picking up the tissues on her bed and on the floor. He then emptied out the bin and put a new trash bag into it. Ian then noticed Melanie's bed wasn't done and decided the cleaning staff hadn't come in (yes, Highcrest had a cleaning staff. Did you think these brats would clean? Like peasants?). He made her bed, then made sure their bathroom was clean, and then tried to fix up Friday's bed the best he could without waking her.

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