Old Rings and Awkward Frozen Yoghurt

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Cannot remember if me and danni cowrote this or if she edited but yeah! Another old one, set in the first book!


Friday Barnes' plan was to not make friends. To unnoticed and under no circumstances, leave the school.

So, now she was pretty confused as to why on a Saturday afternoon, Wai-Yi dragged her into various stores at the nearby mall, Melanie took photos of the four and posted them online and Susan made them all sit outside under a palm tree while they ate crepe cakes and sipped funny coloured drinks.

The three girls took her to stores they all personally liked. Friday couldn't even remember the names of any of them because she was whisked in and out so quickly and had piles of clothing dumped into her arms. She didn't enjoy many of the pieces, but a particular few did pique her interest. At one point they stopped shopping and Susan dragged them all to get manicures.

As Friday sat in the salon chair, she watched the pretty lady paint her nails a soft pink colour and add whatever she liked to them. In all fairness, Friday had sat down and told her to do whatever she wished. She looked at her new friends and smiled. She realised that maybe she had been wrong before. Having friends was better than she ever expected and she loved having them. She smiled softly seeing Melanie asleep in her chair but still keeping her hands still. Wai-Yi was jittering in her seat while music blared in her ears and Susan was calmly watching the man doing her nails as he painted them an emerald green to match her eyes. It was almost as though the empty feeling she had in her stomach grew smaller and smaller every time she felt the warmth of love from them.

Sitting in her chair, Friday wondered how she thought she would survive high school without friends. As the nail technician finished up, she smiled and thanked her. Waiting for her friends to finish, she paid and waited outside.

She then saw something that made her frightened.

Through the crowd, she saw the familiar golden hair, matched with alluring blue eyes which thankfully hadn't spotted her. He was with his own group of friends; Rajiv and Drake. Drake was comfortable in his light green sweater and jeans, a single ring on his middle finger, Rajiv wore a denim jacket with multiple Spiderman patches with a black turtleneck underneath and jeans, black studs in his ears and adorning a couple of chain necklaces and a few rings. She'd hardly seen the boys outside of classes, so to see them in casual attire was almost foreign to her. Ian wore a black band tee with white lettering on it that she couldn't make out underneath his Highcrest varsity jacket which Friday could see the word 'captain' stitched in along the back and underneath were different patches from all the sports teams he seemed to be captain of. She heard Rajiv calling him pretentious for wearing it outside of school and then saw Ian grinning and nodding, not caring in the slightest. Seeing Ian, Friday's heart started pounding.

... Pounding with rage... of course. 

She couldn't even escape him outside of school. The way his hair was so effortlessly perfect pissed her off for a reason she couldn't come up with. It was like her brain was desperately trying to find something wrong with him but could not find anything so it resorted to insults a child would come up with.

Drake led them into a grungy-styled shop, the logo above the door was a skateboard with the shop's name on it. Loud indie-rock music blared from the store and Friday saw Drake fist-bump a tall man with dyed red and black hair, wearing all black with many silver chains around him.

"Ooo! Let's go in there!" Wai-Yi exclaimed, pointing to the skateboard store while her arms heaved under the weight of all her bags.

"We're here to help Friday pick out clothes, not to skateboard shop." Susan sighed. "And anyways, I thought you stopped skateboarding after you fell off yours trying to do a kick flip."

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