A confession: Fuck it i love you

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Dream a little dream of me

Make me into something sweet

Turn the radio on, dancing to a pop song

Fuck it, I love you

Fuck it, I love you

Fuck it, I love you

I really do

- Set in the 8th book, towards the end.


There was something soothing about laying in the grass while being chased by a criminal, the headmistress who might be a criminal, and her ex-criminal boyfriend.

Friday and Ian had stopped running due to Friday's broken ankle. It felt as though every time she stepped, glass shards would be embedded into her ankle. She collapsed on the grass underneath a large tree sobbing and panting. Ian sat next to her with a grim look on his face.

"We need to end this and get you help. Let's go back to Highcrest, I'll carry you." He stood up and went to pick her up, but she sat up and stopped him.

"No . . . I'm on the cusp of figuring this out, we can't go back," she said through heavy breaths, tears prickling her eyes as the pain became worse.

Ian's eyebrows furrowed. "You can't be that dumb. You're clearly in pain, Friday. We have to go."

"No. If you want to go, then leave, but I'm going to figure this out, I don't even know why you're here in the first place," she mumbled the last bit but the air around them was silent, of course, Ian heard it.

Ian stared at her. "You don't know? Your massive fucking brain can't figure it out?" his voice began to rise. He had gone through all of this to save her sorry ass and she was telling him to go? "What is your problem?! I'm trying to help you-,"

"I don't need your help. I never did," she said through gritted teeth, avoiding his eyes.

Ian became silent, not knowing whether to laugh or yell. "Are you stupid?"

"I'm being reasonable."

"Reasonable?!" he exclaimed with a laugh. "No, you're being delusional!"

"Did you only follow me to insult me?!" her own voice rose.

"No, I followed you because I didn't want my friend to do something dumb on her own!" he yelled.

Ian said the word 'friend', but he didn't mean friend.


They stared at each other, furious looks on each of their faces yet neither of them understood why the other was mad.

Ian was angry. No, he was devastated and confused. The girl in front of him was the source of the confusion. Sometimes he didn't know if she even liked him at all. He had seen her at her worst and yet she still didn't trust him fully. They'd been on a cycle of fighting, friendship, and love for the past year and a half and yet she still didn't let him in completely. She'd kiss him in front of the entire school and then avoid his eye like he was a stranger. Why had she kissed him? Was it to distract him, consume his thoughts, so that he'd fail his exam? Was it to make a fool out of him? She'd run away after it too, not even bothering to hear what he had to say. Friday made him angry, very angry. He hated her. He hated Friday Barnes. He hated everything about her. Her smile, her eyes, her intelligence, her kindness, the way she'd glance at him from the side when someone said something outlandish. He hated when she'd whisper to him from across the room, when she'd try to tell an awful joke, but she'd laugh before it was even said, how she'd always watch him play sports even though he knew she didn't understand it. Ian despised how her eyes lit up when she would encounter something she didn't know, he despised the small smile she'd give him upon meeting, he despised the way her arms would always fit around his torso perfectly when she would give him a hug, or when her hand would instinctively slip into his when frightened.

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