Book 2 oneshot: Love fork in the road (a date gone wrong)

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In accordance to my AU (alternate universe):

- Chris is their age (still a bit of a weirdo though, I kinda enhance that in my AU)

- Friday is in Year 9 at this point

- Highcrest does not have the technology rule set in place

- For a little context, before this scene, Christopher asked out Friday on a date, to which she accepted.

- At this point, Friday still has her phobia of blood, but in my AU she overcomes it later on

- tw: mention of past substance abuse 


"Does this look cute or does it look frumpy?" Melanie asked Susan and Wai-Yi while holding clothes.

The two girls nodded furiously to the latter and Melanie sighed, throwing the clothes on the ever-growing pile.

It was around seven o'clock and dinner was soon but Friday would be out. Normally, Melanie would never put as much effort as she was now into anything, but when it came to Friday's date she quite literally jumped from her bed and dragged the girl in question to the wardrobe. After a few trial-and-error outfit suggestions, Wai-Yi and Susan were called in for backup. But what they all forgot to account for was the different styles they all had which only allowed for confusion. Now they all sat down while discussing what would work.

"Wai-Yi, why on earth would she wear pants when it's still hot outside?" Melanie groaned.

"At least I'm giving ideas!" Wai-Yi exclaimed. "Susan immediately shut up when we vetoed her sundress idea!"

Susan in retaliation crossed her arms and turned away from them.

More fights carried on until Friday decided she would just pick for herself. Looking through the closet, she tried to run through the things she had to account for in her mind. It was early autumn so it was quite warm. Chris had told her they'd just hang out in town so nothing too formal. Friday would also have to account for the outfit being attractive in the first place so it would take some thought.

"Remember, dress for you not him," Susan reminded as she took out a few hair ties and a brush.

"Right, of course," Friday mumbled.

Finally, she settled on a knee-length green dress and a pair of brown high-top Converse. She held it up for her friends and while Wai-Yi remarked that it was boring, they all approved. Susan gave her a matching cropped brown cardigan in case it got cold and Wai-Yi raided her vanity for jewellery.

Sitting down on her cushioned chair in front of her vanity mirror, Friday had Wai-Yi adorning her with jewellery, Susan styling her hair, and Melanie placing makeup on her. With the bustle, she kept her eyes closed and tried her best to swat away anxious thoughts.

"Should I just. . ." she spoke up and everything halted, "tell him I'm sick and not go?"

"No!" the three girls scolded and continued.

"Well, do I bring him anything?" Friday asked.

Susan groaned. "No, he should be bringing you something!"

Wai-Yi dropped Friday's hand as she was placing rings and looked at her.

"Friday. . . is this your first date ever?"

Now the two other girls stopped and Friday blushed (Melanie had already put a light blush on her so she looked very red).

"Well, it's complicated," she started, fiddling with her cardigan sleeve.

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