Lygon Street

26 2 3

loosly based on Ian's journal entry from my spam book<3


The clock had read half past midnight when Ian had decided to be annoying. He hadn't been annoying all day. Not even when Mr Spencer uttered something that would've been perfect to mock, not even when Parker had walked past him at the perfect distance to mutter something condescending in his ear, not even when Drake stuttered in front of Susan! What a perfect opportunity to be an annoying bastard and he didn't even take it! No, he decided that he'd be annoying now when he laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling of his dorm.

Ian reached out for his left bedside table and yanked his phone from the charging cord.

To: My Wife ❤❤❤

hi are you okay


He didn't really expect a response any time soon, but he was content with sitting up and waiting for Friday's response. She texted back within a few minutes and in those sparse minutes, Ian successfully managed to throw a pillow on top of a sleeping Drake without waking him up.

My Wife ❤❤❤

I just got out of the shower piss off

Wow, Ian was hurt.

He glumly typed back with a big frown on his face.

what!!!!!! I havnnt even said anything yet !


My Wife ❤❤❤

Fine, what is so important that you've texted me at

one am.

ffs go to sleep.

What a hypocrite!

Says the one who took a shower at the fucking asscrack of night

You know if you go to sleep with wet hair you'll get a headache, Ian responded.

My Wife ❤❤❤

Every day I get closer to blocking you.


Aw you're soooo nice astrella

My Wife ❤❤❤

If you don't tell me what you want right now I'm going to sleep.

OKAY OKAY FUCK MAN FINE. Wait I'll come to you! :)

My Wife ❤❤❤





If that's you knocking I'm hitting you over the head with my thick Literature book istfg.

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