Daily routine in Paris

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- set in the 11 book 


Friday didn't really enjoy having another roommate. She didn't think Melanie did either.

"Sophia, if you don't turn that damn alarm off," Melanie threatened, her eye twitching. Melanie had never threatened anyone before

It was around . . . 3 in the morning and one of Sophia's alarms to take her medicine had gone off.

"Who the hell needs to take medicine this late?" Melanie whined to Friday as Sophia left for the bathroom.

"She needs it to fall asleep, cut her some slack," Friday mumbled, not having gotten up from her bed.

"Well, I need sleep too!" Melanie groaned.

"I'm not understanding how you aren't just sleeping through," Friday propped herself up on her elbows. "Even I'm sleeping through it and I'm only waking up hearing you two yell at each other."

"I don't know! I think my body's starting to expect it and making me wake up!" Melanie huffed and shoved herself under her covers.

"It's only until after tomorrow and then she'll go to the doctor, you can wait it out," Friday said. She was also suffering from this but one of them had to be the rational one in the situation.

Melanie groaned theatrically. Sophia stepped back into the room, the large band-tee she was wearing acting as a nightgown and sat back on her bed.

"Finally," Melanie muttered.

Sophia stood up. "Oh my God! Do you have a problem or something? All I hear is nagging from you."

"Yes, I do!" Melanie snapped. "I don't care about literally anything besides my sleep, and of course, that's the one thing you decide to fuck with."

"Melanie, calm down," Friday sighed.

"No, if she wants to, we can go!" Sophia's voice began to rise.

Friday exhaled and left the room, letting them sort it out themselves. She carried herself down the hallway and into the lounge, thinking she'd get more sleep on the couch. The narrow corridor easily glowed from the brightness of the moon. Friday went to sit until she saw her other flatmates already there. Roberto in his signature pizza onesie he had sworn was a joke (it wasn't, he loved it) and Adam in the same grey matching set.

"They woke you up too?" she asked, slumping down onto the couch.

"Yep, Adam threw a tantrum," Roberto laughed and imitated his friends' angry remarks. Adam, in turn, hit him.

"I don't know why you're laughing," Adam spat. "You have work tomorrow after school."

A look of pure regret filled Roberto's face. He groaned and wrapped his arms around Friday's shoulders.

"No! Say it isn't so!" he whined and shook Friday. She laughed and rubbed his back.

"Don't joke, you also have tennis, so go get some sleep," Adam rolled his eyes, a faint look of concern in them.

Roberto lifted his arms and pinched the other boy's cheek. "Aw, is someone worried for little ol' me?" he laughed, and Adam got up.

"Fine then, I hope you choke in your sleep."

"Ouch! You don't mean that."

Friday thought the way he stomped back to their room said otherwise.

"He loves me," Roberto confirmed, as though reading his thoughts.

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