Rewritten chapter: Rockets!

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In accordance to my AU:

- The characters in Friday's year level are in year 9 and are all 14-15 with the exception of Melanie who's a year older.

- Okay so this won't make sense to anyone who isn't Danni, but in my AU Friday used to do ballet until she was 13. It was her thing yk? All her siblings had a thing besides physics and hers was ballet until an accident that made her stop and also caused her blood phobia. I'll try and write something about it later on maybe.

- This takes place second book when they're firing off Rockets. Chris is their age and not a middle-aged man. He's roughly 17? in year 10 cuz he lied about his age.

- This takes place in the second book

- First chap isn't too rewritten - its more there for context

AND !! I'm working on a rlly long hunger au should be 25 chapters, 10 k words each chap HOPEFULLY, it'll take time but I'll post it chapter by chapter in a separate book. I'm still in the planning phase but I'll update you guys when I start writing.

That should be it, enjoy!


WOOOSHH!!! - Friday

It was mandatory for students at Highcrest Academy to join at least one extracurricular club or team.

Friday had pointed out to the Headmaster that by making an activity compulsory, it therefore was no longer extracurricular but, rather, curricular. The Headmaster simply told her to 'be quiet and go back to class'.

She had asked her friends which clubs they were in. Melanie said she joined the theatre club because they were thrilled to have someone who would be over the moon to play a silent rock or tree and she said she hardly had to show up. Wai-Yi was in the art and textiles club where she spent most of her time making 'abstract' pieces (she really just wanted to throw paint around without getting yelled at) and stitching designs into clothing. Susan was actually the founder of the gardening club where they help Mr Pilcher around Highcrest and have their own garden. Susan said she enjoyed growing flowers. Both Wai-Yi and Susan were part of the dance club which also led them to be a part of the cheerleading team. They tried to get Friday to join, saying how it wasn't too much work and it was quite funny when the boys who got dragged in would make up inappropriate chants (mainly about the players banging the opponent's mothers) and then get yelled at, but Friday declined. She was trained in classical ballet and energetic dancing wasn't her style. There was a specific ballet class one could take to be a part of a group but she never wanted to put on a pointe shoe again.

"So you fall one time and get a little bloody, doesn't mean you have to quit forever and that you're a failure!" Susan had said.

"The royal family was watching, so yes, I am a failure," Friday had sighed.

"Oh, you never told us that. . ." Susan had mumbled.

And then there was Drake (if she could call him her friend, she still didn't know where they stood), whose only clubs were sports (he was in the garden club but he was there for different reasons). She knew Ian had been or was in every club you could imagine. It seemed he was collecting them like trophies, being the captain of the intermediate soccer, polo, archery, fencing, surfing, snowboarding, and badminton teams (Friday didn't understand how he had time for all of it). He was also a casual participant in the science, golf, cooking, music, and boxing clubs (he had to be superhuman because there was no way . . .) and he was in the school's official polo team.

Naturally, the first club Friday had wanted to join was the intermediate science club. She was able to convince Melanie to join and Rajiv was in it as well. The other members included Atlantis (who Friday hardly talked to but he was sweet and did enjoy physics), Ian (gross), Christopher (...), Hyemi (who only joined because he had to if he wanted to keep his grades up), Trea and Mirabella (who only joined because Hyemi begged them), and a few others. It was run by one of Friday's favourite teachers, Mr Davies. There was very little he could teach Friday that she didn't already know. But what she liked about Mr. Davies was his enthusiasm. The delight he took in explaining the process of osmosis, the genuine wonder with which he held the periodic table and the excitement he felt for Newtonian physics was contagious.

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