The new boy

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little pythe (Rajiv x Epstein) story because I love them.

also to explain the ship to those who don't like get it, idk how I came up with the pairing but I think I was thinking "Hmmm who should I pair Rajiv with" and I was thinking of the goofball sunshine x grumpy pairing and ig ians the only like 'grumpy' one but he's taken so then I thought Epstein's the only other grumpy one and then i was like aw that's cute idk so yeah. And i made their ship name pythe because while it also combines their last names i also hc Epstein has a pet python called blueberry yes

tw for like emo jokes? idk how to explain it but it's not like saying anything it's just a guy being a dick...

this is set uhhhhh i reckon after epstein is introduced and like middle of the book? So fridays still mad at Ian.

that one video of the light cosplayer opening the door #niche #emo #yas!!!!!!!!


anyways here we go (it's pretty short so don't mind that)


Rajiv couldn't tell why Ian did what he did, but to be fair he also couldn't tell most times why Ian does what he does.

What he did know was that Ian had been quite hurt by what Friday did (although Rajiv would argue Ian's father was more in the wrong than Friday, but even he could tell she didn't do what she did in a tasteful way). He also knew that what Ian did was very wrong and that the prank he pulled was very unlike him. Ian had gone to them, tears in his eyes Rajiv knew Ian hadn't let anyone besides them see, and profusely expressed that he didn't mean for it to go that far. Drake had yelled at him (saying 'how the fuck did you expect it to go?!') and now those two weren't speaking. Rajiv didn't fully understand but he didn't completely cut out Ian, the boy had been on edge his entire life, one had to give him a break.

So now, practically their entire group was against Ian (besides Atlantis who couldn't deal with the stress, and Delia who couldn't deal with picking sides).

It was about a half hour before dinner would be served, everyone was already at the dining hall, besides Rajiv and Ian.

"Look, I just don't know how I would even apologise!" Ian exclaimed, flopping back onto his bed. "I almost killed her!"

Rajiv sat on the bed and fiddled with his headphones. "I'm the wrong guy to ask mate."

Ian huffed and sat up. "I don't understand why Drake is so mad, he knows I didn't mean to go that far!" Ian frowned. "Right?" he said turning to Rajiv.

"Just try your best to apologise, maybe before dinner? Best to do it as soon as possible," Rajiv put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Are you sure all your anger from the dad thing is gone?"

Ian thought for a moment. "I think. I know he's in the wrong . . . he's always been," Ian mumbled. "And I know Friday was just trying to help, it's just . . ." he trailed off and groaned in frustration, leaning back hard on the bed again.

Rajiv stayed silent. He wasn't too good at knowing when to speak or not, but he knew when it came to Ian's dad, he should just stay quiet and allow Ian to let it all out.

"My father just makes me so emotional," Ian finally said.

Rajiv couldn't help but snicker. "I know, the hole in the wall from when you punched it yesterday says it all," Rajiv laughed until he winced and put a hand over his mouth. "Sorry," he whispered.

A slight smile was present on Ian's face. "It's fine. I just got so angry at everything and everyone." Ian sighed. "I'm a horrible person."

Rajiv frowned. "No, I wouldn't say that. I just think you need to learn to think before you act."

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