Fake news:

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Michael Pitter was the reporter no one needed and, frankly, wanted. He was the annoying kid who shoved a tiny microphone into passing students asking them for opinions on the latest hot gossip. Michael had even been the main host of the Highcrest news channel which the kids only tuned into when something exciting was happening because no one cared that Mrs Geris was pregnant, and no one cared that some loser Year 12 got a perfect ATAR score. What they did care about was how Vicky Feder and Louis Jackson were caught selling vapes to the younger year levels. What they did care to listen into was the report done on the latest fight! Therefore, everyone disliked Michael. They disliked him because he knew everything, and they didn't. As he passed by, books in hand, teachers, and students alike glared. The rumour that Mr Azido and Mrs Rickshaw saw each other a bit too late at night? It was probably Michael who spread it. The fact that somehow every student had a video of Kelly Dirksen getting slapped around by Savannah Andrews? Also, probably Michael. The leakage of Riya Damas and Kelly Popov's big break up? That was most definitely Michael. He knew too much. He knew everything before the guilty party themselves knew it all. And, of course, being the son of a rich mother who owned a broadcasting network helped his... evidence-gaining skills become very adequate.

Friday wanted those evidence-gaining skills, and she needed them now.

Especially when the case she had taken involved his loudmouth.


A few hours before.

"Epstein?" Friday called, wrenching the door of said boy's dorm open before rushing in. "What's this I hear about you and Rajiv breaking up?"

She could've sworn the boy flinched at the remark. He looked horrible.

Well, not horrible. Epstein was so naturally beautiful it was hard to make him look bad, but this event did take a number on him. He sat on his bed with his knees drawn up as he hugged them. The normal eyebags he usually had been much darker than usual. Paired with his milky white skin, he almost looked undead. His hair was limp instead of being in its usual fluffy state and his clothes were all baggy as though he wanted to hide in them. And... and...

"Are you crying?" Friday asked horrified, she even backed up slightly, getting a better look at the slumped boy.

"No!" he lied in a shaky voice, equally horrified. Neither of them was equipped to handle this. Tears were welling in his eyes, and he shoved his face into his knees.

Friday exhaled and readied herself. She went out for only a few hours to help Seargent Crowley and she came back to whatever this situation was. Not to mention all her friends were refusing to explain or talk to Epstein, which led her to push away and stride towards her friend. Unlike them, she didn't believe in the proclamation that people were guilty until proven innocent. She only believed in the saying after she got the whole story, and considering the entire school somehow knew, she would have to get the news from the source.

"Okay... move over," she said and placed herself next to the snivelling boy. Awkwardly placing her arm around him, she spoke. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Epstein looked up and she handed him a few tissues. He wiped at his face and blew his nose before speaking. "Well, all I know is that I started my day with a boyfriend, and then after lunch, I didn't."

Friday frowned and motioned for him to go deeper. Epstein looked terrified and shaken up. His eyes exuded sadness. He snatched his water bottle from the bedside table and took a swig.

"Yesterday, at around five till eight, I was helping this guy in my year level with an art piece we were meant to submit that day. He said it was urgent and I needed to help him right that moment. Considering I'm not too close with the people in my year, I took up the chance," Epstein explained, grimacing. "I should've known something was up when he showed a completely blank canvas. We had spent about four periods on it in class, so it should've been nearly done, but my desire to make more friends overpowered my suspicion so I decided to just go with it."

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