Chapter rewrite: The Prodigal Detective Returns

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In accordance to my AU:

- Friday's well off. I've explained this before but having 6 high ranking physicists (they don't even have to be well off, 6 salaries combined is insane?) is more than enough to easily have a 7 figure household income. 

- her siblings are actually models cuz why not be smart and sexy fr!

-Chris is not a pedophile-coded adult (don't think I have to explain why I changed that). Instead, he's their age and just crazy idk but fr! 

- Friday's in Year 9 at this point, Christopher is in year 10

- Before this, I can't really be bothered finding and posting the previous chapter, but this takes place in the second book right after she gets exonerated in the police station at the start. Imagine instead of Bernie that picked her up, it was Quasar.

- Danni did either cowrite/edit this, ty danni <3


When Friday and Quasar drove up the long swooping driveway towards Highcrest Academy, the sky had darkened from a deep cobalt blue to just a shade away from pitch-black. Friday checked her phone. "It's nearing midnight. Curfew has long started."

"Then you'd better move your ass, or else they'll lock you out," warned Quasar.

"Fine, fine. I'm moving," huffed Friday as she hurriedly opened the passenger door.

Quasar next to her was silent, seeming to think for a moment, then quickly opened her mouth to speak. "How's school?"

Friday stopped, foot hovering over the ground. "Fine, why?"

Quasar scoffed. "I haven't seen you for months, I'm not allowed to ask?"

"School's good, I've got friends."

"Are they nice?"


"That's good."

It was silent again. Friday began to predict Quasar's next question.

"Any dicks?"

There it is. "They're billionaire kids, of course they're dicks."

"Does that mean there's people bothering you?"

Ian flashed through her mind.

"No, everyone else just keeps to their own friends, which I'm happy about. I'm perfectly happy with mine."

Quasar seemed to think again.

"What now?"

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Friday felt Quasar's hand lightly brush against her arm. "You seem, I don't know, affected by something."

Friday suddenly thought about Miss Harrow's smiling face and she felt herself clam up. Even without that traumatising event, she was already feeling sick from her eldest sister's sudden bouts of sincerity. One could never know when she'd start caring, or ignore you and leave you in the dirt. "I did just get accused of counter-terrorism."

Quasar quietly sighed behind her, out of relief or something else entirely, Friday didn't know. "Right, stupid question." Quasar shoved Friday out of her seat. "Hurry up, they will seriously lock you out."

"I'm out, I'm out."

Friday waved to Quasar as she drove away, then she turned to the school's towering ivory gate and began to walk, wondering how she was actually supposed to get back into the school past curfew. As she approached it, debating if she could climb over it, a blinding light shone in her eyes. She yelped and shielded herself from the spotlight.

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