8. Maybe Friends?

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Advik's POV

Navi reluctantly agreed to work with me, her eyes flashing with defiance. I couldn't quite grasp how she was going to fulfill her duties, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to have her by my side. I looked up at Akriti, who was rattling off my schedule.

Enough, Akriti," I snapped. "It's lunchtime. Go eat and we'll continue our discussion afterwards."

Thank you, Sir," she said gratefully. "By the way, if you'd like to meet Navi ma'am, I saw her in the canteen. You can..."

"That won't be necessary," I cut her off abruptly. "I've already discussed everything with her. Now go enjoy your lunch."

Her smile faltered slightly, but she nodded and left my office.

As Akriti left my office, a nagging feeling gnawed at me from inside. I couldn't shake the desire to see Navi again, just once more. Without a second thought, I stormed out of my office and made my way to the canteen.

And there she was, sitting alone at a table with a book and her lunch. The rays of sunlight filtering through the windows cast a golden glow over her flawless skin and perfectly tied hair.

A delicate strand of hair fell across her face as she focused intently on her book, humming a tune that only she could hear. In one hand she held a glass of water, while the other twirled a pen absentmindedly.

 In one hand she held a glass of water, while the other twirled a pen absentmindedly

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My heart raced as I approached her table; my whole being drawn towards her like a moth to a flame. She looked up at me, removing one earphone with an intense gaze that seemed to pierce through my soul. It was both unsettling and comforting at the same time.

Every time I saw her face, I couldn't help but see Lavanaya in her eyes. But there was something different about Navi's eyes, a darkness and hopelessness that begged for someone to listen and understand. Her eyes were a window to her tortured soul, filled with loneliness and pain.

As I sat down in front of her, she forced a smile on her lips and closed her book, hiding the heaviness in her heart. But I could still sense it, like a silent cry for love and understanding. I wanted to reach out to her, to be the shoulder she could lean on. But she wouldn't open up easily, not trusting anyone with her burdens.

"You're still fixated on that part? Relax, you'll get the project. But in return, I want a treat," she said with a mischievous gleam in her eye and a sly smile on her lips.

"Ye bhi koi bolne ki baat hai?" I questioned playfully.

"Tabhi toh bola nahh?" she retorted with a chuckle. And as we bantered back and forth, I couldn't help but notice the dimple on her cheek when she smiled and the ethereal quality of her laughter.

Her voice was like magic, addictive and angelic all at once. And as she spoke, her curls bouncing around her face, it was hard not to be captivated by her every word. Behind her facade of humor and wit, I could see the weight she carried and the pain she tried to hide. The fast-blinking eyes that tried so hard to hide her pain behind a veil of humor.

"Done then." I flashed a smile. 

"Good for you. I will see you today at your home?" 

"My home? So that's how you are going to help me?" 

"Um yeah Akriti and Avinash will deal the rest in the office." She looked around for them maybe but soon looked back into my eyes. Damn her eyes. Her smile. 

"I need to thank you with extra treat for this."  I chuckled at her.

"I don't find free food." She fumbled on purpose. " You know I am a big foodie." She practically whispered.

I leaned and whispered, "Guess what, I am a great cook."

"Sounds like a deal." She extended her hand. Our eyes met and I extended my hand into her little one. I never assumed she would turn out to be like that. It was unexpected but cute. But behind the curtains of cuteness, I witnessed a tired soul in her eyes. That I so wanted to comfort. 

"Ok then I will see you there. Enjoy your day till then." I uttered getting up. She waved her hand. And as I turned back, I saw the helplessness in her eyes return. Her face finding a shoulder again. Her eyes seeking shelter from a pain she couldn't get away or couldn't share. I forced a smile and headed to my cabin. 

Navi's POV

My heart pounded as I pressed the doorbell, a strange fear creeping through my stomach. The barking of dogs echoed from inside and I felt a surge of panic. I quickly called Advik.

"Hello? Already here?" His voice sounded muffled on the other end.

"Yeah, but your dogs don't seem too welcoming..." I trailed off as the line went silent.

"Don't worry, they're in their room. Come in." Advik's voice sounded distant, and I nervously stepped into the huge hallway.

"As I entered the huge hallway, my eyes scanned the walls adorned with guitars, pianos, and other instruments.

"Do you also play guitar?" I asked, trying to break the tension.

"Yupp why?"

His questioning eyes turned to the open room and a sly smile appeared on his face.

"I was a band member in California, vocalist. I can play guitar too," He responded confidently. A smile gracing his lips. Music must be his passion. I only wondered why he is stuck in the corporate world.

"Talented log." I teased with a smirk.

"Talent doesn't matter in the real world," he uttered darkly as our eyes met. "It's the one who survives in the end."

Feeling a surge of anger, I argued back, "Talent matters! You can't survive without it. You better make use of yours. I have no doubt you'll rock it," I encouraged him.

"How can you be so confident? You've never even heard me sing," Advik raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Your speaking voice is addictive. I can almost imagine your singing voice," I replied confidently.

But Advik just shrugged nonchalantly and changed the subject.

Soon, we were both completely immersed in our work, sorting through piles of documents and checking screens for information. When the clock struck 10pm, I was startled out of my concentration and glanced at my watch. I realized we had been working for hours without even noticing.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Advik's voice snapped me out of my daze, and I turned to see him standing next to me with a tray in his hands.

"I made some food, you should eat before I drop you off," he said with a warm smile.

I hesitated, not wanting to be a burden, but the smell of the food was too tempting. With one bite, I could tell that Advik was an amazing chef, probably a professional one.

"This is incredible, how can someone be so talented? Guitar, singing, cooking... are you for real?" I marveled.

"You can call me fictional if you want. I have many other talents as well," Advik teased with a mischievous grin. "By the way, does this mean we're friends now?"

"Only if you are teaching me music and cooking?"


"And also, I want to hear you sing for once."

"If we got this project. I promise I will sing for you."

I couldn't help but laugh as I extended my hand and we both shook on it.

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