24. I know

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Hey lovelies💕

Hope you are enjoying the story. If you have some questions or doubts. You may comment here or dm me on insta. And please keep your suggestions coming. Those heart whelming dm's, comments really are motivating. 

I published this chapter previously and most of you have read it too. But I felt that was too raw and needed editing. So, I did as soon as I got time. I am really sorry for my messy irregular updates.  And thank you for your patience. If you think it still needs improvement. Please let me know.

Navi's POVI sat on one of the couches where some ladies sat with envious eyes

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Navi's POV
I sat on one of the couches where some ladies sat with envious eyes. As soon as I approached, whispers filled the air. Each lady gawking at me, but their eyes remained fixated on Advik, who stood on the stage with a guitar. He smiled at me with a brightness that made the chatter around us fade.

Everything melted away in that moment. All I heard was his guitar. All I could see was him gazing at me. He started singing, his voice soothing my soul like a melody from heaven. His voice was heavenly, soulful. His eyes locked with mine as he sang each note. His smile illuminated every moment. The guitar in his hand seemed like an extension of him, as if he had practiced for this moment his entire life.

The smile on his face each time he strummed a string was something I had never seen before. Though he was always smiling, this smile held a different kind of joy. It was as if his soul had come alive. Music brought his soul to life, and everyone who heard him felt it too.

Suddenly, thunderous applause filled the room as everyone cheered for him. I snapped back to reality. The whole room looked at him, but his eyes were solely focused on me as he descended from the stage and knelt in front of me, extending his hand. I was about to take his hand when a voice pierced through the room.

"Stop playing her like another pawn, Mr. Ahraya." A woman's voice, full of confidence and authority, cut through the buzzing crowd of reporters. They all turned to see a tall girl with blonde hair and a navy-blue dress, standing confidently on her heels. It was Olivia Smith, one of the most popular models and actors in the industry. I expected her to be here. The disgust I felt looking at her was too much to bear.

I almost believed Advik cheated on me. All because of her. How stupid I was to believe that the boy who still keeps my childhood picture in his wallet could cheat on me. Seventeen years and all my pictures are still hung in his room.

I hacked the phone number that sent me the pictures. And when I saw her face, I just knew. Sakal se hi chor lagti hai. Advik had transferred 150 million dollars to this same phone number.

I smirked as I took Advik's hand in mine, ignoring her words like she didn't even exist. I passed him a smile with a gentle squeeze.

"Come on girl, don't act like you didn't receive any of those pics. You know him very well. Stop acting." She took some steps forward, looking at our intertwined hands. As she approached Advik's collar, I swiftly pushed her hand away.

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