10. And I died?

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Is my dream coming true? Did I just manifest it? Is this the end of my life? Feels so. I take a deep breath, listening close to the sound. Your death isn't the end of the world. Cool down. I don't fear death, but a brutal death. Imagine the slow death a churail may bless you with. I want a quick death. A sleep to eternity.

I get out of my room, slowly entering the lawn. Telling myself I am still dreaming. Lightning sparked in the distance. The clouds rumbled with the song of my death. Drops of water escaping the stormy clouds, not yet ready to bleed. Perfect weather to fade in. Strong winds brushed over my body. I wasn't wearing a shirt. And I guess it's too late to go wear a shirt, just for a freaking death. I took each step barefoot, examining the hall. The cold floor made its impact perfectly. My feet cold. Raindrops mixing with sweat. I literally watched "Maut Ka Tandav" today. The perfect weather blended with payal and humming churail.

Payal jingled past me. Goosebumps spread all over my skin out of cold or fear.

Chan...... Chan.......... Chan. 

I turned back—no one. All empty. All dark. Then, past me, a shadow walked, and Payal jingled.

I turn back hastily. All dark. All empty, and my gaze directly shifted to the terrace. I know what's going to happen next. I know where the next jingle will come from. I know where my death will come from.

Chan...... Chan........ Chan.

A cat meowed on the terrace. Black cat. Walking on the terrace, she stared at me to death. This is the end, Adi. Good bye. I turned around, and a humming voice called for my death. Should I follow? Yes, I should. What if......? Who cares? The worst could be death. I am not scared of death. Well I am, but my curiosity provide me with chunks of energy and guts I might need.

I followed the voice with sweat drops making their way out of my hair and my brows.

Raindrops blending on my body. My limbs wanting to stop. But something about that humming called me. I couldn't stop. I couldn't resist the call for my death. 

"Ruk jaoooooooo" A female voice cried past me. I turned back hastily and the same lady in white was running towards me with an ungodly pace

The female in the saree ran with the speed of a supercar. And my heart stopped beating with every jingle I heard. My vision blurred with each step she took. Her black hairs were rushing with air, and my heart was pounding in my chest. I took a step back and rested my head on the wall. The wall cold against my skin, and the raindrops still making their way onto my toned body, sending shivers through my backbone.

Two hands pinned me further to the wall. I opened my eyes to take a final look at my death. My eyes wide open.

"Navi?" I doubted my eyes, gaining my heartbeat again. She only huffed, breathless. She scared me to death.

"Wo... woh.. bi.. woh, billi." She tried to talk while I was still stuck between her and the wall. The cold wall. Her body pressed against mine. She dropped her head into my chest. My hand automatically wrapped around her waist. My body reacted to her, or the fear. Goosebumps spread over my skin. My cold body, now slowly turning warm against hers.

"Use hath mat Lagana." She uttered panting. I blinked my eyes over and over. Yes, it was Navi. She was panting. Her small hands caging me between her and the coldness of the wall. 

"Are you okay?" I asked swapping our positions and pushing her to the wall. She only panted in return. And it somehow made my mind goes crazy. I shouldn't be thinking what I am thinking. 

All she did was staring into my eyes her hands on my bare chest panting.  Her open hairs danced with air. A raindrop made its way on her lips. My hands rested on her bare waist, few drops slipped, and she flinched as the cold drops made their way through her waist. 

I shook my head. No Adi no. Not now. Control. Control.

"Use hath mat lagana. Tumhe faad ke khaa jayegi." She uttered again meeting our eyes, but my eyes remained on rain drops slipping on her neck. God no. What the hell am I thinking. This is not the time. 


"Billi ko hath mat lagana warna wo faad ke khaa jayegi apko." She uttered gaining my attention and my eyes came back to hers. 

"Oh yeah, Billi." I murmured taking steps back, but she didn't move she remained glued to the wall. Still panting.  I lowered my eyes to floor and the cat meowed again. I took two steps tentatively. I stopped for a minute and breathed as much air as I could.

Payal jingled in the whole mansion Once again. Who is it now?

My grip tightened on her arm. As two shadows appeared in the dark, I turned around and pinned her to the wall, hugging her tighter. She was still breathless, buried in my chest.

"Calm down. I am here." I cupped my hands around her face, parting the hug. Her face was expressionless. Is she bewitched or what?

"Navi?... Talk to me," I said a bit higher.

"Look at me." I raised her chin, making her look into my eyes. She did. I gasped for air. And gulped hard as her lips cracked into a crooked smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "Did you see something?"

I tried my best to get a few words out of her mouth. But all she did was stare into my eyes. I hugged Navi a bit tighter and pulled her back, facing the figures.

Vedhika and a familiar face appeared in the distance.

"Vedhika?" I called her. Are they all bewitched? Why aren't they talking?

I am dying, Lord. What is all this?

"Susma, Savita, Kavita sabki pasand Nirma" A voice rang out from behind me. What? Susma? Savita? Kavita? Nirma? What is all this happening? I waved my hand through my hair. My hand as if dipped in bucket of sweat.

A laughing voice came past me. I turned back only to find Mann laughing on the opposite side. And Navi giggled, her head still buried in my chest. Ok, I am done with my life. I glared at Mann but only heard giggles from Mann, Navi, Vedhika, and that other girl.

"Are you all fucking bewitched? Stop it now." I roared. Yes, I roared.

"I am so sorry, Adi." Navi parted a little but was interrupted by the wall. I took steps back. And suddenly it hit me, I was shirtless, and 3 girls were standing right in front of me. Hell no. I better get out of here.

 I only glared at Mann in disbelief.

"Ek ladki ke piche tum bhi gaddaar ho gye?" I raised my eyebrow. But only heard chuckles in response.

"Ok, stop it now. This is getting creepy." I shouted again. But all they did was laugh creepily. This is getting on my nerves now.

I left for my room without another word. I was about to slam the door when Mann interrupted with his hand. I wouldn't mind breaking his bones today, but my hands stopped not listening to my brain.

"Happy Birthday to You. Happy birthday......" The 3 girls sang in coordination. The worst birthday ever. Why God why. Why do you have to embarrass me in front of her like this. And I pushed his hand and slammed my door, wore a shirt. And they knocked my door impatiently. 

"I am sorry yaar."

"We just wanted it to be memorable."

"Ye sab Mann ka plan tha."

Memorable banane ke lie mere itne years ke nighmare ko manifest kar dia. Of course it was Man. He is the only one who knows about this dream. I buttoned my shirt aggressively wanting to punch him in face any moment. 

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