30. Who?

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Advik's POV

The phone's ringing ripped through the quiet afternoon. My stomach lurched when I saw Vedhika's name. Her voice, usually bubbly, was choked with tears. "Bhai...." she croaked; one word full of pain. My heart pounded. Before I could say anything, she burst out crying, "He cheated on me!"

Anger flared hot inside me. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stay calm for her. "It's okay. Breathe. Vedhika. It's fine. Tell me where you are?" I asked in a shaky voice. 

Silence stretched, broken only by her sniffles. Then, more tears. I glanced at Navi, who was busy looking around, her back to me. I knew she saw my worry. "Everything alright?" she asked silently. I gave a weak nod.

"Ved," I repeated, a little firmer. "I'm here. Wherever you are, I'm coming."

"I'm at the same terrace" she finally choked out. "Just... hurry, okay?"

The call ended. I looked at Navi, frozen mid-pack.  "I got to go. I think she is in trouble. I promise I'll make it up to you, I—" 

Her smile, usually dazzling, flickered for a moment. But before I could apologize, she surprised me. Her fingers brushed mine, sending a warm feeling through me that had nothing to do with the worry twisting my gut.

"It's okay.," she said softly. "She needs you right now."

"Don't worry," she interrupted gently, a bit of her usual playfulness returning. "We'll see each other soon. Besides," she added with a playful twinkle, "Wouldn't want you to miss your chance to be a hero?"

A small smile tugged at my lips. Classic Navi. Even worried, she could lighten the mood. "You're impossible," I muttered, messing up her hair. We always playfully swatted at each other for this. This time, nothing.

"Just go," she repeated, her voice strong despite her shaking hand.

With one last look, I raced out the door, her image burned in my mind. Reaching my car, I shouted the address to the driver. My phone buzzed with Vedhika's call.

My stomach clenched. Vedhika isn't the soft kind of girl but still it was draining me out. If she did something to herself. Love makes people do things we never would. 

I picked up the call after a long sigh only to hear her yapping.

The car sped through the city, the traffic a blur as worry gnawed at me. Each sob that echoed through the phone from Vedhika felt like a punch to the gut. Her voice, usually full of sass, was weak and scared.

Reaching the building, I burst through the doors, ignoring the surprised stares from the security guard. "Which floor?" I barked, my voice probably a bit too loud.

"Top floor, sir," he stammered, pointing me in the right direction.

I raced up the stairs, two at a time, my heart hammering against my ribs. Reaching the rooftop, my breath hitched. Vedhika stood there, tears streaming down her face.

"Ved!" I yelled, rushing towards her. She threw herself into my arms, burying her face in my shirt. Tears soaked my shoulder as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," I murmured, holding her tight. "What happened?"

She pulled away, wiping her eyes. 

"Everything is over yrr." She muffled.

"What's over?" I said parting the hug a little. 

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